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GND: 128747773
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The result list below will be reduced to the selected search terms. The terms are generated from the titles, abstracts and STW thesaurus of publications by the respective author.
Discussion paper / 1 / Deutsche Bundesbank ; Eurosystem (3)
HKIMR Working Paper (2)
CAEPR Working Paper (2)
CAEPR working papers (2)
Papers and proceedings of the ... annual meeting of the American Economic Association (2)
Discussion paper / Volkswirtschaftliches Forschungszentrum, Deutsche Bundesbank / Series 1, Studies of the Economic Research Center (2)
HKIMR working paper (2)
Princeton studies in international finance (1)
Working paper series / United States Department of State, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, Planning and Economic Analysis Staff (1)
Theory and decision library : Series A, Philosophy and methodology of the social sciences (1)
Princeton studies in international finance : publ. for International Finance Section (1)
Economic studies working paper series (1)
The new institutional economics: market organization and market behavior, [12th Seminar on the New Institutional Economics, June 8 - 10, 1994, Wallerfangen, Germany]. Ed. by Eirik G. Furubotn .. (1)
Focus section: financial and political aspects of economic intergration [integration] in the Americas (1)
Economics working papers (1)
The G8 and global governance series (1)
SUERF studies (1)
World Scientific - Now Publishers series in business (1)
A.E.I. Reprint, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (1)