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Horry, Isabella D. Grubel, Herbert G. Block, Walter Esmail, Nadeem Easton, Stephen T. Palacios, Milagros Walker, Monica A. Spindler, Zane A. Bauer, Péter T. Cox, Wendall Globerman, Steven Emes, Joel Lawson, Robert Clemens, Jason Veldhuis, Niels Gwartney, James D. Ramsay, Cynthia MacArthur, William Lippert, Owen Jones, Laura Samida, Dexter Arman, Faisal Hammes, David L. All co-authors fraser government economic canadian health canada wirtschaftsliberalismus facts care international institute spending wirtschaftspolitik wirtschaftswachstum report forum gesundheitswesen dienstleistungssektor matters tax good comparison systems collection radio commentaries newspaper articles michael walker growth economy global reform service proceedings symposium public liberalismus vergleich wirtschaftslage staatsquote marktwirtschaft measure germany freedom level freiheit wirtschaftliches wachstum zukunft industriegesellschaft provincial wieviel staat income fish cut bait case individual transferable quotas salmon fishery british columbia underground evidence
Composed terms economic liberalism economic freedom health care government spending economic policy economic growth canadian health fraser forum forum fraser spending facts service industry health care system Öffentliche ausgaben public expenditure good canadian care report report international international comparison comparison health care systems institute collection collection radio radio commentaries commentaries newspaper newspaper articles articles michael michael walker macroeconomic performance government size matters measure measure tax tax facts facts germany germany economic freedom good systems good systems fraser fraser institute walker level level government spending matters matters freiheit freiheit wirtschaftliches wirtschaftliches wachstum wachstum zukunft zukunft industriegesellschaft industriegesellschaft provincial provincial economic freedom canada canada wieviel wieviel staat staat income income growth growth economic freedom fish fish cut cut bait bait case case individual individual transferable transferable quotas quotas salmon salmon fishery fishery british british columbia columbia underground underground economy economy global global evidence evidence size size impact impact healthy healthy incentives incentives canadian health reform reform international international context context el concepto la la medida medida la libertad económica canada government debt guide indebtedness government
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Michael Walker Dr. Alternative spellings: M. A. Walker Michael A. Walker B: 1945 Biblio: Präsident und Senior Fellow
Profession Economist
Affiliations Fraser Institute
Publishing years Series Fraser Institute critical issues bulletin (2) Critical issues bulletin (1) Argumente der Freiheit (1) Fraser forum / The Fraser Institute : a Fraser Institute review of public policy in Canada (1) Studies on the economic future of North America (1) The economics of the service sector in Canada (1) Fraser Institute service project discussion paper (1) Fraser forum : special issue (1)