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David I. Laibson Prof. Alternative spellings: David Laibson David Isaac Laibson D. Laibson David Liabson B: 1966 Source:
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Profession Economist
Affiliations National Bureau of Economic Research London School of Economics and Political Science Harvard University. Department of Economics Fu dan da xue
Publishing years Series Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (52) NBER Working Paper (46) NBER working paper series (15) Working papers / Rodney L. White Center for Financial Research (8) Handbooks in economics (7) Faculty research working paper series / John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (6) Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics working paper series : working paper (5) The Pearson series in economics (5) HKS Working Paper (4) Discussion paper series / Harvard Institute of Economic Research (3) Yale ICF Working Paper (3) Occasional paper (2) Policy research working paper : WPS (1) Papers and proceedings of the ... annual congress of the European Economic Association (1) Documentos de trabajo (1) Policy research working paper (1) Department of Economics discussion paper series / University of Oxford (1) NYU Working Paper (1) Working papers / Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (1) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (1) ESI working papers (1) MIT Department of Economics Working Paper (1) wi / wirtschaft (1) CESR-Schaeffer Working Paper (1) wi (1) Rotman School of Management working paper / University of Toronto Rotman School of Management (1) In memory of Amos Tversky (1937 - 1996) (1)