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Evans, William N. Pacula, Rosalie Liccardo Ross, Karen E. Lai, Deborah Vaiana, Mary E. Wasserman, Jeffrey Liu, Jodi L. Liu, Jodi L Ellickson, Phyllis L. Collins, Rebecca L. Hosek, Susan D. Vollaard, Ben A. Mahnovski, Sergej Stech, Diana All co-authors taxes birth health use outcomes marijuana higher cigarette small ideas care improve smoking rauchen tabaksteuer human capital formation saving big dollars policy estimates form weight drogenkonsum fertilität fertility kindersterblichkeit gesundheitsversorgung impair relationship school elasticity demand review public princeton examining performance
Composed terms marijuana use birth outcomes cigarette taxes small ideas improve birth tobacco tax us dollar capital formation higher cigarette taxes improve ideas saving saving big big health health care care dollars birth weight drug consumption child mortality use impair impair human human capital elasticity demand performance standardized maternal smoking smoking birth excise taxes rand health human capital investment health care costs currency substitution 1989 1992 formation higher outcomes small dollars small dollars marijuana formation relationship relationship school school marijuana use annual annual earnings earnings young young adult adult males males elasticity demand health care review review literature literature application application military military health health tobacco tobacco taxes taxes public public policy policy discourage discourage smoking smoking rezension rezension work work welfare welfare ed ed amy amy gutmann gutmann princeton princeton nj nj princeton princeton univ univ press
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Jeanne S. Ringel Alternative spellings: Jeanne Ringel Jeanne Sue Ringel B: 1970 Biblio: Tätig bei der The Brookings Institution ... Washington, DC (1997), bei der RAND Corp. (2003)
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series NBER Working Paper (2) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (2)