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Andersen, Torben M. Schröder, Philipp J. H. Geishecker, Ingo Svarer, Michael Maibom, Jonas Kruse-Becher, Sanne Jäkel, Ina C. Jäkel, Ina Charlotte Schröder, Philipp J. H. Maibom Pedersen, Jonas Maibom, Jonas Sørensen, Flemming All co-authors market public model firms firm sector gains exporter costs data labour inequality export productivity wage produktivität size exit marktintegration income taxation distortions cohorts tax außenhandelsgewinn aggregate heterogeneous business premia danish workers dänemark denmark evidence particular globalization retrenchment rents taxes marginal level exporting lower exportwirtschaft markets sectors versus events reallocations impact survival industry widely activities competitiveness funds increase employment empirical handelsliberalisierung arbeitsmarkt schätzung estimation beschäftigungseffekt differences cycles intra squeezes technological wages financed tend month observed exports account explained epp variation explicit cohort based rates older konjunktur erwerbsverlauf erwerbstätigkeit staatsquote marktaustritt unternehmenserfolg lohnstruktur globalisierung open foreign explaining long term theoretical equivalent empirically measurable welfare heterogenous globalisation obvious progress perceived consumption transfers higher ricardian specialization unambiguously fiscal policies bias arise driven share
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Allan Sørensen Alternative spellings: Allan Soerensen Allan Sorensen B: 1978 Biblio: Tätig an der Aarhus University, School of Business and Social Sciences, Department of Economics and Business, Denmark
Profession Economist
Affiliations Aarhus Universitet
Publishing years Series Economics working paper (14) CESifo Working Paper Series (3) CESifo working papers (3) IZA Discussion Paper (2) Discussion paper series / IZA (2) Univ. of Aarhus Working Paper (2) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (2) Discussion papers / CEPR (1) University of Lüneburg Working paper series in economics (1) University of Aarhus Working Paper (1)