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Sutherland, Alan Finocchiaro, Daria Mendicino, Caterina Weil, Philippe Corsetti, Giancarlo Kremer, Jana Kolasa, Marcin Devereux, Michael B. Silva, Luiz A. Pereira da Banerjee, Ryan Werner, Thomas McAdam, Peter Gambacorta, Leonardo Kharroubi, Enisse Agénor, Pierre-Richard Vestin, David Straub, Roland Smets, Frank Coenen, Günter Lipinska, Anna Uhlig, Harald Lipińska, Anna Ravenna, Federico Ravenna, Federico Dedola, Luca Sutherland, Alan Thadden, Leopold von Sims, Christopher A. Eren, Egemen Karadi, Peter Gambarcorta, Leonardo Boar, Codruta Engel, Charles Jackson, Timothy P. Werner, Thomas All co-authors policy monetary model financial geldpolitik optimal non order shocks area frictions international models
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Giovanni Lombardo Alternative spellings: G. Lombardo B: 1967 Biblio: Tätig an der Univ. of York ; Tätig bei d. Dt. Bundesbank und der Europ. Zentralbank; Italien. Wirtschaftswissenschaftler
Affiliations Bank für Internationalen Zahlungsausgleich
Publishing years Series Working paper series / European Central Bank (9) ECB Working Paper (7) Working papers / Bank for International Settlements (5) Discussion paper / Deutsche Bundesbank (5) Discussion paper / Volkswirtschaftliches Forschungszentrum, Deutsche Bundesbank / Series 1, Studies of the Economic Research Center (3) Discussion paper / 1 / Deutsche Bundesbank ; Eurosystem (3) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (3) Sveriges Riksbank working paper series (2) Discussion papers / CEPR (2) Discussion paper / Economic Research Centre of the Deutsche Bundesbank (2) Discussion paper / Volkswirtschaftliches Forschungszentrum der Deutschen Bundesbank (2) Discussion papers in economics (2) BIS Working Paper (1) NBP working paper (1) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (1) ECARES working paper (1) Cambridge working papers in economics (1) Working paper series / European Central Bank ; Eurosystem (1) International finance discussion papers (1)