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Collard-Wexler, Allan Eeckhout, Jan Asker, John Goldberg, Pinelopi K. Konings, Jozef Khandelwal, Amit Pavcnik, Nina Warzynski, Frederic Fuss, Catherine Van Biesebroeck, Johannes Bao, Renjie Scott, Paul T. Mongey, Simon Syverson, Chad Quiller-Doust, Nathan Van Cayseele, Patrick Treuren, Leonard Wexler, Allan Collard Collard-Wexler, Alan Bond, Steve Unger, Gabriel Zoch, Piotr Kaplan, Greg Hashemi, Arshia Ackerberg, Daniel A. Knittel, Christopher R. De Canniere, Charlotte Van Reenen, John Obermeier, Tim Hoekman, Bernard M. All co-authors market power firms productivity produktivität production data firm level marktmacht evidence industry global trade using slovenia increase slowenien manufacturing economy preismanagement impact higher cost aggregate process estimating unternehmenserfolg belgium international markets productive belgien industrial slovenian exporting steel input assumptions produktionsfunktion function destruction inputs changes paper percent substantial estimates rely india indien organization perspective growth markups economies product expenditure analyze shocks share approach demand framework wohlfahrtsanalyse handelsliberalisierung allocation rise implications status liberalization job variable increased results where identify marginal average estimate producers labor set approaches decrease standard empirical allokation strukturwandel creative emerging mis brewing estimation error reform learning reallocation dynamics developing export
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Jan De Loecker Alternative spellings: Jan de Loecker Jan K. De Loecker J. De Loecker Jan DeLoecker
Profession Economist
Affiliations Princeton University. Department of Economics Centre for Economic Policy Research National Bureau of Economic Research Leonard N. Stern School of Business. Department of Economics Harvard University Université catholique de Louvain Leuvens Instituut voor Central- en Oosteuropese Studies
Publishing years Series Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (13) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (10) NBER Working Paper (10) Discussion papers / CEPR (5) NBER working paper series (4) Working paper / National Bank of Belgium / National Bank of Belgium (3) LICOS discussion paper series / LICOS Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance : discussion paper (3) Working paper (2) ERID working paper (2) US Census Bureau Center for Economic Studies Paper (2) Discussion paper series / Center for Economic Studies, Leuven (2) Working papers / Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Department of Economics and Business (2) Department of Economics discussion papers / Columbia University (1) Discussion paper (1) Working papers / U.S. Census Bureau, Center for Economic Studies (1) University of Chicago, Becker Friedman Institute for Economics Working Paper (1) BREAD working paper (1) Working paper / National Bank of Belgium (1) Barcelona GSE working paper series : working paper (1) Working papers / Department of Economics (1) Discussion paper series / IZA (1) Working paper / Department of Economics, Aarhus School of Business (1) BSE working paper : working papers (1)