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Redding, Stephen Heblich, Stephan Wolf, Nikolaus Becker, Sascha O. Besley, Timothy Persson, Torsten Ahlfeldt, Gabriel M. List, John A. Smart, Michael Ulph, Alistair Glocker, Daniela All co-authors evidence model employment public economic political policy sector private impact effects activity german city destruction states wirtschaftswachstum london agglomerationseffekt beschäftigungseffekt privatwirtschaft schätzung estimation environmental united economics second provide substantial additional performance division electoral world secondary using state job ballungsraum wirtschaftsgeographie neighborhood wartime modern berlin wall term limits exogenous variation develop large commuting empirical umweltpolitik stadtgeschichte stadtquartier stadtstruktur making metropolis growth reunification history use source quantitative data
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Daniel Sturm Dr. Alternative spellings: Daniel M. Sturm Biblio: Ph.D. Economics, London School of Economics (LSE) 2001 ; Assistant Professor, Univ. München (2000-)
Profession Economist
Affiliations Centre for Economic Policy Research London School of Economics and Political Science
Publishing years Series Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (8) Discussion paper (7) NBER Working Paper (4) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (4) Working paper (2) NBER working paper series (2) SERC discussion paper (2) Münchener Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Beiträge : VWL ; discussion papers (2) LSE STICERD Research Paper (2) Discussion papers in economics and econometrics (1) LSE PSPE Working Paper (1) CSGR working paper / Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation (1) IZA Discussion Paper (1) Working papers / Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy (1) Warwick economic research papers (1) Discussion paper series / IZA (1) CESifo working papers (1) CESifo Working Paper Series (1) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics and Political Science (1)