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Kehoe, Timothy Jerome Soto, Raimundo Repetto, Andrea Piguillem, Facundo Loayza, Norman Kehoe, Patrick J. Morandé, Felipe Strauss-Kahn, Vanessa Yi, Kei-mu Micco, Alejandro Hernando, Andrés Suárez, Juan Enrique Razmilic, Slaven Salazar, Andrés Hernando Repetto, Andrea Rosende Ramírez, Francisco All co-authors chile trade growth model countries reforms productivity wirtschaftswachstum produktivität manufacturing aggregate new market developing distortions mexico dynamics mexiko wirtschaftsreform slow output technologies firms policy micro developmental regulatory firm explanation percent vergleich comparison gains lost economy recoveries impact complementary decade real economic plant paper run crucial data konjunktur industrie wirtschaftskrise
Composed terms economic growth economic reform new technologies market reforms developmental regulatory reforms efficiency efficiency gains lost mexico mexico chile decade lost business cycle außenhandel mit industriegütern manufactures trade manufacturing industries economic crisis slow recoveries chile mexico developing countries long run manufacturing output aggregate complementary complementary impact impact micro micro distortions market entry 1980 1989 policy driven driven productivity productivity chile manufacturing trade trade rising rising manufacturing output falling countries slow slow adopting adopting new technologies aggregate gains chile growth chile model heterogeneous heterogeneous firms run growth oecd countries trade barriers growth theory oecd staaten industrial production mehrsektoren modell multisectoral model technischer fortschritt technological change innovation diffusion wirtschaftliche anpassung economic adjustment labour costs arbitrage pricing chile decade testing real real business models emerging aggregate growth plant dynamics mexico experienced experienced severe severe economic economic crises crises early chile recovered recovered faster faster did did mexico using growth growth accounting accounting calibrated
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Raphael Bergoeing Ph.D. Univ. of Minnesota 1996; Assist. Prof. Alternative spellings: Rapahel Bergoeing Raphael Bergoeing V. Raphael Bergoeing-V. Source:
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Profession Economist
Affiliations Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía Banco Central de Chile Universidad de Chile. Centro de Economía Aplicada
Publishing years Series Documentos de trabajo (9) Documentos de trabajo / Banco Central de Chile (4) NBER Working Paper (3) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (3) Documento de trabajo / Instituto de Economía, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (3) Serie investigación Programa Post-Grado de Economía (3) Serie de documentos de trabajo ... (2) Staff report / Research Department, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis (2) FRB of Philadelphia Working Paper (1) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper (1) Policy Research working paper (1) Policy research working paper : WPS (1) Working papers / Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Research Department (1) Serie documentos de trabajo / Universidad de Chile, Facultad Economía y Negocios, Departamento de Economía (1)