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Rydqvist, Kristian Högfeldt, Peter Högholm, Kenneth Persson, Mats Loury, Glenn C. Sundgren, Stefan Samuelsson, Per Eisenberg, Theodore Molin, Johan Grubb, Mikael Jonsson, Sara Tang, Ellen Westin, Anders Sellin, Peter All co-authors sweden schweden takeover Übernahme voting empirical eigentümerstruktur evidence swedish corporate shares emergency reserves börsenkurs study analysis
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Clas Bergström B: 1950 Biblio: Schwed. Wirtschaftswissenschaftler
Publishing years Series Research paper / Ekonomiska Forskningsinstitutet vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm (9) Working paper series in economics and finance (4) Meddelanden från Svenska Handelshögskolan (2) Equity markets (2) Pocketbiblioteket / SNS - Studieförbundet Näringsliv och Samhälle (1) European equity markets and the corporate financial decisions (1) Special issue on European capital markets (1) R / Statens Energiverk (1) Working paper / Trade Union Institute for Economic Research (1) Reprint series / Institute for International Economic Studies, University of Stockholm (1) Harvard Institute of Economic Research, Harvard University, Discussion Paper (1) Research paper (1)