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Doménech, Rafael López-Salido, José David Boscá, José E. Arce, Óscar Ferri, Javier Vallés, Javier Nelson, Edward Thomas, Carlos Hernando, Ignacio Burriel, Pablo Hurtado, Samuel Fernández-Villaverde, Jesús Molinas, César Taguas Coejo, David Ortega, Eva Fuentes-Albero, Cristina Fatás, Antonio Mestre, Ricardo García Villar, Jaume Pérez, Javier J. Rojas, Juan A. Leith, Campbell B. Zabalza Martí, Antonio Escribano, Álvaro All co-authors monetary fiscal model spain spanien union effects policy output macroeconomic finanzpolitik market eurozone rate effect shocks internal devaluations growth reforms area price inflation geldpolitik households
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Javier Andrés Alternative spellings: Javier Ángel Andrés Domingo Javier Andrés Domingo Javier Ángel Andrés Domingo
Profession Prof. am Departament d'Anàlisi Económica (Department of Economic Ananlysis) Facultad de Ciènces Econòmiques i Empresarials (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration) Universidad de València Economist, Banco de España Economist
Affiliations Universitat de València Banco de España
Publishing years Series Documentos de trabajo / Banco de España, Servicio de Estudios (21) Banco de Espana Working Paper (12) Documentos de trabajo / Banco de España (10) Documentos de trabajo / Fundación de Estudios de Economía Aplicada (4) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (4) Working paper (3) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (2) Banco de España Research Paper (2) NBER Working Paper (2) European economy / Economic papers (1) Alianza economía (1) El mercado de trabajo español (1) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics and Political Science (1) El impacto de la UEM (1) La recesión de los noventa (1) Economía del ahorro (1) Banco de Espana Research Paper (1) Discussion papers / Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow (1) Faculty & research / Insead : working paper series (1) Estudios económicos (1) Papeles de economía española (1) Discussion papers / CEPR (1) Finance and economics discussion series (1) NBER working paper series (1) Documentos ocasionales / Banco de España (1) La fiscalidad en España (1)