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Genesove, David Ellison, Sara Fisher Snyder, Christopher M. Mullin, Joseph C. Greenbaum, Jeffrey Ellison, Sara Kroszner, Randall S. Jaffe, Judson L. Alexander, Cindy R. Peltzman, Sam Levenstein, Margaret Mullin, George L. All co-authors social stock institute goods prices cost diversity performance zuckerindustrie provision firm industry firms offices evidence steel paper data method exchange office level perform gradual conduct price better united states small homogeneous cooperation ore communication collusion case growing incorporation employees care methodology power use form higher levels estimation process schätzung great northern properties rules narrative revealed remedy sanctions pharmaceutical evolution direct measures measure lease individual cartel effect profits employee kartell unternehmenserfolg sozialkapital predation return acquisition vertical foreclosure contractual learns organize bounding antitrust reform estimates entry major occurred economists examine larger statistics greater did years explore environments revelation incorporate gradually private kyle model stahlindustrie informationsverbreitung informationsverhalten wirtschaftsverband kartellrecht arbeitsleistung börsenkurs conjectural rate efficient governance pont decision empirical strategies allowed indemnify clinton health static models refining marginal functional study used efficiency announcement limited decade set wirtschaftskriminalität gun era suit net
Composed terms social goods sugar industry stock prices goods provision diversity management information exchange diversity social homogeneous offices higher levels levels social offices perform perform better great northern ore properties rules communication communication collusion collusion narrative narrative evidence evidence sugar institute case provision performance performance firm information stock social capital firm performance states steel steel acquisition vertical foreclosure institute learns learns organize organize information method bounding gradual incorporation incorporation information steel industry larger firms private information information dissemination information behaviour business association antitrust law Öffentliche güter public goods job performance share price predation rate rate return return sugar industry united acquisition great northern ore properties vertical foreclosure efficient efficient contractual contractual governance bounding elasticity antitrust remedy remedy pont pont decision firm diversity prices empirical empirical strategies firms allowed allowed indemnify indemnify employees clinton health health care care reform stock market static oligopoly price cost market power cost information sugar refining marginal cost functional form decade seen growing economists economists effect stock social trust social data set office level sales data
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Wallace P. Mullin Prof. Alternative spellings: Wallace Patrick Mullin
Profession Economist
Affiliations Michigan State University. Department of Economics George Washington University
Publishing years Series NBER Working Paper (7) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (7) CESifo Working Paper Series (1) MIT Department of Economics Working Paper (1) Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics working paper series : working paper (1) CESifo working papers (1) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (1)