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Rhode, Paul W. Gilleskie, Donna Oberholzer-Gee, Felix Coppejans, Mark Sieg, Holger Snyder, James M. Tin Cheuk Leung Darden, Michael Akin, John S. Hutchinson, Paul Phillippe, John R. All co-authors policy price local evidence heterogeneity markets states test tiebout economic increase public property preferences demand uncertainty model individual individuals period historical hypothesis political central tax taxes study future paper spending supply case cigarettes endogenous tenet importance current articles behavior using united prices predictions estimation results liquor reassessment schätzung smoking consumer empirical production new long futures decentralization infrequent factors data suggests previous smokers likely cigarette reduces large consumption good wide century making control governments
Composed terms economic federalism policy innovation price uncertainty tiebout hypothesis endogenous policy policy decentralization central tenet tenet economic property taxes consumer demand test tiebout futures markets public good liquor control behavioral dynamics dynamics youth youth smoking demand price uncertainty empirical empirical evidence evidence market market cigarettes local heterogeneity arsenal democracy democracy production production politics politics wwii file sharing political futures decentralization testing testing central government decentralization smoking behavior good preferences mobility costs case study presidential election contract spending heterogeneous preferences local governments community wide tax collections consumer behaviour tobacco product entscheidung unter unsicherheit decision under uncertainty unvollkommene information incomplete information price level lokale öffentliche güter local public goods music industry supply media historical test hypothesis local sharing copyright historical political markets international international perspective issue corporate corporate applications applications prediction prediction markets smoking historical heterogeneity government decentralization increase increase policy tiebout sorting assessments distort taxes evidence new york learning model individual heterogeneity price sensitive non smokers years later smoking participation
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Koleman S. Strumpf Alternative spellings: Koleman Samuel Strumpf Koleman S. Strumph Koleman Samuel Strumph Koleman Strumpf K. S. Strumpf B: 1968 Biblio: Ph. D., Mass. Inst. of Tech., Dept. of Econs., 1995
Profession Economist
Affiliations Wake Forest University. Department of Economics University of Kansas. School of Business University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Department of Economics
Publishing years Series NBER Working Paper (5) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (5) CESifo working papers (1) Tulane University Economics working paper (1) Working papers / Harvard Business School, Division of Research (1) The journal of prediction markets (1) Estudos e documentos de trabalho (1)