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Roy, Kartik C. Clark, Cal Johnson, Jerker Mickwitz, Gösta Lindholm, Christian Lundahl, Mats Tisdell, Clement A. Haggard, Stephan Greenaway, David Fernandes, Nicholas All co-authors development economic entwicklung finnland asia finland state economy trade east ostasien policy asean expectations economics integration world regional model countries approach och growth role wirtschaftspolitik asian market macroeconomic empirical entwicklungspolitik entwicklungstheorie gravitationsmodell auslandsinvestition china singapore traditional political flows case study experiences inflation economies institutional country common diversification paper entwicklungsländer singapur wirtschaftsintegration india change ekonomisk empowerment women brunei darussalam international flying geese foreign determinants gravity comparative central predictive evidence authors oil issue type policies indien wirtschaftswachstum geschlechterdiskriminierung frauen wirtschaftsentwicklung arbeitslosigkeit managing century theoretical institutions endogenous society versus perspective pacific explaining export sweden interdependence rezension korea interpretation finnish investment bilateral structure management ekonomi marknadsföring festskrift till gösta mickwitz america doomed fail results tillväxt experimental problems natural rate phillips curve note simple demand essay causes
Composed terms economic development internationale wirtschaftsbeziehungen international economic relations east asia economic policy asean staaten asean countries china india development policy foreign investment development economics growth development development theory gravity model trade flows developing countries economic integration development china india east brunei darussalam political economy economy development flying geese empirical study rational expectations economic growth internationale wirtschaft international economy gender discrimination regionale wirtschaftsintegration regional economic integration rationale erwartung geldwertbewegung und aussenwirtschaft asia managing managing change change century gender empowerment endogenous state state brunei darussalam traditional traditional society society versus versus economic asia pacific explaining trade flows singapore rent seeking economic interdependence geese model model regional regional development investment east industrial policy determinants bilateral bilateral trade flows east asia gravity gravity approach och ekonomisk brunei norway ekonomi och festskrift till till gösta integration central doomed fail fail economic experimental approach accuracy empirical phillips curve development essay causes unemployment macroeconomic implications nonuniform uncertain small open monetary autonomy costa rica zentralamerikanisches integrationssystem nytt vin sammanhållningen megatrender hjälp ett ett fall fall för för sig
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Hans C. Blomqvist Prof. Alternative spellings: H. C. Blomqvist Hans-Christer Blomqvist Hans Christer Blomqvist B: 1947 Biblio: Prof. an der Hanken Hochschule ; Tätig an der Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, Helsinki ; Tätig am ISEAS, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series Meddelanden från Svenska Handelshögskolan (14) Proceedings of the University of Vaasa / Discussion papers (4) Department of Economics discussion papers / The University of Queensland (2) Ekonomi och samhälle : Skrifter uitgivna av Svenska Handelshögskolan (2) Edward Elgar E-Book Archive (1) Forskningsrapporter från Svenska Handelshögskolan (1) Meddelanden från Svenska Handelshögskolan, Working papers (1) Meddlelanden från Svenska Handelshögskolan , Working papers; 87 (1982) (1) Ekonomi och Samhälle, Skrifter utg. vid Svenska Handelshögskolan (1) Meddelanden från Svenska Handelshögskolan, Swedish School of Economics and Administration Working papers (1) Meddelanden från Forskningsinstitutet vid Svenska handelshögskolan (1) Working papers - Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration (1) Meddelanden från Svenska Handelshögskolan, Forskningsinstitutet vid Svenska Handelshögskolan (1)