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Lane, John S. Rostowski, Jacek Davies, Roy O. Ostaszewski, Adam Dąbrowski, Marek Boone, Peter David Layard, Peter R. G. Jankowiak, Janusz Schaffer, Mark E. Nove, Alec Desai, Padma Buck, Trevor Ha, Yong-Chool Kornai, J. Heise, Michael Aghion, Philippe Kowalik, Tadeusz Begg, David K. H. Styczeń, Marek Hoen, Herman Willem Warner, Andrew M. Holliday, George D. All co-authors poland polen systemtransformation economic growth wirtschaftswachstum osteuropa konjunktur wirtschaftsreform innovation reform wirtschaftspolitik recession policies transformation transition economy
Composed terms economic transition economic growth eastern europe business cycle economic policy economic reform growth policy growth theory rgw staaten cmea countries stabilization policy economic transformation pension reform recession dynamics dynamics following following external external price price shock shock transition transition economy polish economic technological change technischer fortschritt fiscal policy anti inflation policy global long long term economic convergence reforms czech czech republic republic hungary hungary poland poland romania reform principles principles policies policies outcomes economic reforms causes recession
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Stanisław Gomułka Alternative spellings: Stanislaw Gomulka B: 1940 Krężoły Biblio: Poln. Wirtschaftswissenschaftler; Physiker; Politiker; 2008 Vizefinanzminister von PolenPlace of Activity: London Source:
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Profession Economist Politiker Hochschullehrer
Affiliations Polska Akademia Nauk London School of Economics and Political Science
Publishing years Series Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics and Political Science (7) Research paper series / Socialist Economies Reform Unit, Country Economics Department, World Bank (5) Discussion paper / Suntory-Toyota International Centre for Economics and Related Disciplines (4) CASE CEU working papers series (3) Studia i analizy / Centrum Analiz Społeczno-Ekonomicznych (2) Zeszyty BRE Bank-CASE (1) Wykłady otwarte Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej w Poznaniu (1) Working papers / European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (1) Occasional paper / Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics and Political Science (1) Research paper series / Transition and Macro-Adjustment Division, Country Economics Department, World Bank (1) Papers and proceedings of the ... annual congress of the European Economic Association (1) Papers and proceedings of the ... annual meeting of the American Economic Association (1) The economics of technological change (1) OECD Publication (1) Skrifter fra Aarhus Universitets Økonomiske Institut (1)