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Terajima, Yaz Chiu, Jonathan Quadrini, Vincenzo Wright, Randall D. Moran, Kevin Ríos-Rull, José-Víctor Beaudry, Paul Livshits, Igor Gervais, Martin Leung, Danny Cateau, Gino Alpanda, Sami Kartashova, Katya Bailliu, Jeannine N. Zhang, Yahong Damar, H. Evren Christensen, Ian Cao, Shutao Chen, David Xiao Carter, Tom Bruneau, Gabriel Boivin, Jean Lane, Timothy D. Crawford, Allan Dolar, Veronika All co-authors financial policy monetary model capital welfare households real geldpolitik income effects canada price shocks funding economic banks paper rates banking nominal increase growth frictions macroprudential credit wealth long economy market canadian balance level demand assets productivity bankruptcy institutions produktivität asset inflation analyze leverage study aggregate money policies regulations macroeconomic size wholesale liquidity framework wohlfahrtsanalyse role sheet firm intermediation human non term rate low technology finanzkrise risks taxation stability small uncertainty costs interaction implications discuss second lower use important evidence activity equilibrium firms models wirtschaftswachstum vermögensverteilung innovation investment targeting business run given age potential ratio features increases ideas knowledge allowing loans incorporates relationship investition wissenstransfer verhandlungen negotiations finanzmarkt investitionsrisiko contracts cost uninsurable endogenous transmission inequality factors motives different suggest where recent result data tax
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Césaire Assah Meh Alternative spellings: Césaire A. Meh Césaire Assah Meh Césaire Meh B: 1969 Biblio: Monetary and Financial Analysis Department, Bank of Canada
Profession Economist
Affiliations Weltbankgruppe Bank of Canada
Publishing years Series Staff working paper / Bank of Canada (20) Working paper / Bank of Canada (5) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (2) NBER working paper series (1) NBER Working Paper (1) SEF working paper (1) BIS Working Paper (1) BIS working papers (1) Working paper (1) Staff discussion paper (1) Bank of Canada review (1) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (1) Discussion papers in economics and econometrics (1)