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Javorcik, Beata K. Smarzynska Manole, Vlad Kabiri, Ali Schoors, Koen Merlevede, Bruno Neagu, Cristina Özden, Çağlar Lskavyan, Vahe Fink, Carsten Saggi, Kamal Rivera-Batiz, Francisco L. Roland, Isabelle Yamada, Hiroyuki Otsuki, Tsunehiro Ni, Bin Bostan, Ibrahim Constantinescu, Cristina ??zden, ??a??lar Busse, Matthias Nunnenkamp, Peter All co-authors firms auslandsinvestition direct investors local suppliers owned data trade multinationals evidence country presence countries constraints domestic networks effect vertical share supplying market sectors projects origin productivity czech romania produktivität rumänien supply analysis host paper results relationship tschechien matter ownership higher effects liquidity entry firm labor positive literature linkages constrained study inputs likely technologietransfer financial while empirical income republic using set consistent examines degree industries european affiliates hypothesis product intermediate group sourced source correlated associated indicate mncs liquiditätsbeschränkung multinational participation suggests horizontal level asian case american information whether larger romanian ethnic positively suggest fully partially lieferantenmanagement capital trademark where migrant regulations panel flows concentration performance investigates markets increase affects upstream potential finding suggesting contacts inflows osteuropa tell relationships credit
Composed terms foreign investment foreign direct direct investment spillover effekt spillover effect spillovers foreign multinationales unternehmen transnational corporation vertical spillovers foreign investors czech republic investment fdi presence migrants joint venture host country local suppliers liquidity constraints technology transfer networks foreign labor market firms supplying owned foreign international trade matter spillovers inputs sourced foreign owned liquidity constraint foreign entry data set empirical analysis ethnic networks fully owned supplier relationship management domestic firms migrant networks share share share local local participation participation matter fdi spillovers linkages multinationals market regulations intermediate inputs american asian romanian firms results suggest data indicate foreign ownership productivity local owned firms fdi inflows cash flow banking crisis eastern europe western europe financial constraints investment foreign international economics investors care ownership concentration market monitoring paper investigates firm level downstream sectors home country country data investment projects foreign affiliates cost of capital financial crisis internationaler markteintritt international market entry soziales netzwerk betriebliche liquidität inter firm cooperation 1998 2001 related biases data tell where come spillovers time relationships multinationals care labor constrained firms
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Mariana Spatareanu
Profession Economist
Affiliations Weltbank Rutgers University
Publishing years Series Policy research working paper : WPS (5) LICOS discussion paper series / LICOS Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance : discussion paper (5) Policy Research Working Paper (4) LICOS Discussion Paper (3) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (2) Policy research working paper (2) Discussion paper (1) Cambridge working papers in economics (1) LICOS Discussion Paper 252/2009 (1) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper (1) BOFIT Discussion Paper (1) BOFIT discussion papers (1) LICOS Discussion Paper Series, Discussion Paper 243/2009 (1) World Bank Economic Review (1) HWWI research paper ... by the HWWI research programme world economy (1) Working paper series / Universiteit Gent, Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde (1)