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Söderström, Ulf Bjørnland, Hilde Christiane Dennis, Richard J. Kilponen, Juha Røisland, Øistein Torvik, Ragnar Maih, Junior Lønning, Ingunn M. Wolden Bache, Ida Dennis, Richard Söderstrom, Ulf All co-authors policy monetary geldpolitik rate inflationssteuerung robust model targeting open economy small exchange rules new robustness simple keynesian control stock shocks forecast uncertainty output rule preference methods modellierung interdependence framework optimal economies identifying channel feedback kontrolltheorie market transmission looking using structural misspecification cost problems aktienmarkt börsenkurs zins
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Kai Leitemo B: 1970 Biblio: Assoc. Prof. an der Norwegian School of Management BI, Dep. of Economics ; Tätig an der Central Bank of Norway Source:
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Profession Economist
Publishing years Series Bank of Finland research discussion papers (6) Working paper / Norges Bank (6) Arbeidsnotat / Norges Bank (6) Bank of Finland Research Discussion Paper (5) Working papers / Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research (4) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (4) Memorandum / Department of Economics, University of Oslo (3) Working papers series / Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (2) IGIER Working Paper (1) Sveriges Riksbank working paper series (1) Doctoral dissertations in economics (1)