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Ouattara, Bazoumana Runkel, Marco Strobl, Eric Kutsoati, Edward Batu, Michael Cadsby, Charles Bram Song, Yang Kikuchi, Tōru Gollo, Janet Serwah Kelly, Liam D. Deaton, Brady J. Wu, Ximing Myers, Gordon M. Amoako-Tuffour, Joe Clark, Derek J. All co-authors equilibrium effort firm model asset welfare result spieltheorie party pay debt efforts non size social public rights cost increase aggregate property tullock consider information game function competition wettbewerb status incomplete owner political big citations increasing papers nested price contestants effect sufficiently liberty number auktionstheorie state intervention players value total equilibria ally seeking good empirical corrupt honest who certain case aid leadership output using paper low advantage supervisors conditions encroacher productive prize countries probability citizens rent conflicts transfers psychological goods indirect strategy different increases government higher foreign conscientious success exists analysis order based
Composed terms rent seeking game theory pay auction asset owner nested contest aggregate efforts auction theory tullock contest foreign aid honest supervisors incomplete property firm political certain conditions moral hazard price firm law of property social welfare big fail party intervention proportion honest quality quantity quality contest unit cost efforts tullock preferred creditor creditor status success function firm serves standard result firm receive size firm increasing size quality papers total citations cost effort equilibrium model consumer behaviour strategy equilibrium probability winning quantity contest ally enemy debt gdp psychological game interdependent preference preference types public goods asymmetric information contest success consider model incomplete information who corrupt ranking officials non monotonic corruption theft citations contest marginal cost number papers cost producing producing quality quality sufficiently treating quality quantity disincentive disincentive effect effect production production quality sufficiently low equilibrium contribution future income contest pay contest contest efforts pay contest aggregate efforts nested auction equilibrium invest asset best level investment property popularity contest composition transfers international remittances multilateral development gdp ratio idol singing boundaries welfare civil wars low price model big
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
J. Atsu Amegashie Prof. Alternative spellings: J. A. Amegashie J. Atsu Amegashie B: 1967
Affiliations University of Guelph. Department of Economics
Publishing years Series Economics discussion papers (30) CESifo working papers (27) CESifo Working Paper Series (14) CESifo Working Paper (5)