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Arnott, Richard Parker, Simon C. Rowse, John G. Bac, Mehmet Guven, Gokhan Russo, Antonio Lindsey, Robin Ommeren, Jos van Kobus, Martijn B. W. Çitçi, Sadettin Haluk Oz, Gokmen Albalate, Daniel Bakis, Ozan Senturk, Rifat Ozan Hasker, Kevin All co-authors network curbside parking downtown parken membership travel steady verkehrsstau model fees type local financiers cruising financing paper state success hub hypercongested unternehmensgründung quality costs entrepreneurship where best equilibrium demand capacity start members stable unternehmensnetzwerk prices garage search firms study formation firm while welfare result good loan terms verkehrsaufkommen old boy efficient fixed level second increase types flow mechanism transaction sellers market inefficient situation external breeds malls street optimal signals different prefer cost banks projects form policy ideas information signaling naturschutzgebiet stability economics locally tale incubator free endogenous distribution
Composed terms traffic congestion steady state local financiers parking traffic network entrepreneurs entrepreneurship approach business start up downtown parking quality entrepreneurs parking capacity business network traffic volume old boy boy network cruising parking second best start financing hub firm traffic flow hypercongested travel state hypercongested entrepreneurs local loan terms network members soziales netzwerk social network model downtown success breeds breeds success network formation types network entrepreneurs network entrepreneurs prefer nature reserve economics parking external cruising financing entrepreneurship success locally locally tale tale incubator incubator firms street parking type entrepreneurs unstable equilibrium congested travel hypercongested equilibrium equilibrium stable parking paper ration demand membership transaction online marketplaces banks local paper focuses best where where pricing situation where where curbside parking situation capital ideas hub signaling signaling mechanism venture capital cruising for parking central city integrated model network quality stability downtown parking fees cruising costs costs parking downtown curbside entrepreneurship old occupational choice choice quality whose membership gets hidden net value inefficient entrepreneurs redistributive gains established firms
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Eren Inci Biblio: Türkischer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler
Profession Economist
Affiliations Sabancı Üniversitesi Boston College
Publishing years Series CESifo Working Paper Series (4) CESifo working papers (4) NBER Working Paper (1) Discussion paper / Tinbergen Institute (1) IZA Discussion Paper (1) Discussion paper series / IZA (1) ZEW Discussion Paper (1) CEBR Discussion Paper (1) ZEW discussion papers (1) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (1) Boston College working papers in economics (1) RICAFE working paper (1) Discussion paper / ZEW, Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (1)