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Bolin, Kristian Paris, Quirino Partovi, M. Hossein Levy-Livermore, Amnon Wilen, James Elmore Ostrom, Brian J. Lueck, Dean Lynch, Lori Ling, Chen Paris, Quirino Dragone, Davide Van Gorder, Robert A. Forster, Martin Freyens, Benoit Pierre Nelson, Randy Alan Freyens, Benoît Pierre Underwood, Nora A. Bolin, Christian Holloway, Garth John Ling, Chen All co-authors comparative optimal model dual production statics kontrolltheorie function spieltheorie health induced technical progress primal gesundheit konsumtheorie implications dynamics differentiable firm control horizon estimation schätzung rational intrinsic locally equilibria envelope qualitative produktionsfunktion gesundheitsvorsorge approach capital microeconomic test price nash problems estimator resource preis functions agents specification behavioral canonical atemporal empirical infinite differential games cost variables generalized analysis duopoly paper baumwollindustrie duopol regulierung regulation kybernetik cybernetics feedback demand consumption stackelberg discounted rate theorem errors complete nonrenewable extracting competitive properties problem matrix optimization efficient conditions consumer state gesundheitsökonomik gesundheitswesen gesundheitskosten rationalität rationality konsumentenverhalten anreizregulierung variationsrechnung schätztheorie accumulating lifetime stochastic
Composed terms control theory optimal control game theory price induced technical progress consumption theory induced technical production function comparative dynamics preventive care dynamische optimierung dynamic programming mathematische optimierung mathematical programming nash gleichgewicht nash equilibrium health production intrinsic comparative locally differentiable technischer fortschritt technological change behavioral implications nash equilibria infinite horizon horizon differential model firm cotton industry erschöpfbare ressourcen exhaustible resources dual approach specification health function behavioral investment health rational agents canonical model health capital consumption investment atemporal microeconomic microeconomic empirical empirical test test price envelope theorem primal dual dual estimator errors variables nonrenewable resource resource extracting qualitative properties optimization problems state health health investment health economics health care system health care costs intertemporal choice consumer behaviour incentive regulation variational method estimation theory san joaquin valley capital accumulating optimal investment health lifetime lifetime stochastic stochastic rational non life life threatening ailments rational statics nash dynamics locally dual vista versus dual health production function
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Michael R. Caputo Prof. Alternative spellings: Michael Ralph Caputo M. R. Caputo Biblio: Ph.D. (economics) University of Washington. Professor of Economics in the College of Business Administration, University of Central Florida, in Orlando
Profession Economist
Affiliations University of Central Florida
Publishing years Series Working papers in economics (6) Economics working paper series ... (2) Working papers / Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California Davis (2)