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Aizcorbe, Ana M. Khurshid, Anjum Grunwald, Joseph Meltzer, Joshua P. Century, Committee on Comparative Innovation Policy: Best Practice for the 21st Policy and Global Affairs, National Research Council, Committee on Comparative Innovation Policy: Best Practice for the 21st Century, Nagaoka, Sadao Kondo, Masayuki Wessner, Charles W. Chaudhuri, Anindya Horrigan, John All co-authors industry semiconductor halbleiter pools trade international japan role communications prices lessons computer computers innovation optical united states strategic policy government differences empirical pool elektronikindustrie entwicklungsländer price inputs hardware decline symposium equipment studies economic different policies university halbleiterindustrie preis preisindex telekommunikationsgerät vorleistungen außenhandel impact measuring moore law evidence cost
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Kenneth Flamm Alternative spellings: Kenneth S. Flamm B: 1951 Biblio: Research Associate des Brookings Foreign Policy Studies program
Profession Politikwissenschaftler
Affiliations Brookings Institution Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs
Publishing years Series NBER Working Paper (2) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (2) Finance and economics discussion series (1) Studies in international competition in semiconductors (1) Discussion paper series / Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (1) Industry and Energy Department working paper / Industry series paper (1) DRD discussion paper (1)