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Jefferson, Philip Nathan Brada, Josef C. Collier, Irwin L. MacFarlane, Alan Beresford, Melanie Sulcove, Elliott Schaffer, David Storper, Michael Schaffer, David L. Blackman, Michael Berliner, Joseph S. Huber, Joan Hyclak, Thomas J. Nicoletti, Giuseppe Louhichi, Waël Benkraiem, Ramzi Zimbalist, Andrew S. All co-authors economic systems nations wirtschaftsordnung einkommensverteilung impact
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Frederic L. Pryor Alternative spellings: Frederic LeRoy Pryor F. L. Pryor Frederic LeRoy Pryor Frederic Pryor B: 23. April 1933 Owosso, Michigan D: 2. September 2019Death Place:
Profession Economist
Affiliations Swarthmore College
Publishing years Series LIS working paper series (2) Papers on economics & evolution (2) World Bank discussion paper (2) UCSIA discussion papers (1) Papers on economics and evolution (1) The political economy of poverty, equity, and growth (1) Studies in development (1) International Development Research Center, Indiana University, Working Papers (1) Studies in social discontinuity (1) Indiana University (Bloomington). International Development Research Center. Studies in Development (1)