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Schreiber, Ulrich Voget, Johannes Feld, Lars P. Weichenrieder, Alfons J. Hebous, Shafik Kahle, Holger Büttner, Thiess Todtenhaupt, Maximilian Scheuering, Uwe Egger, Peter Merlo, Valeria Wamser, Georg Bradley, Sebastien Robinson, Leslie Schmider, Julia Overesch, Michael Spengel, Christoph Kroh, Tanja Kerber, Markus C. Schön, Wolfgang Klein, Dennis Arnemann, Laura Scheuering, Uwe Buhlmann, Florian Riedle, Michael Kompolsek, Patrick Moderau, Stefan Kremer, Jana All co-authors tax countries taxation unternehmensbesteuerung foreign firms taxes corporate effects multinational capital reform gains passive auslandsinvestition firm investment steuerwirkung location evidence results affiliates effect investments paper
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Martin Ruf Dr. rer. pol. B: 1973 Biblio: Professur für BWL und Betriebliche Steuerlehre, Universität Tübingen
Profession Economist Steuerberater
Affiliations NoCeT CESifo GmbH Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Publishing years Series CESifo working papers (6) CESifo Working Paper Series (5) Freiburger Diskussionspapiere zur Ordnungsökonomik (2) ZEW discussion papers (2) Working paper (2) Discussion paper (1) Tuck School of Business working paper / Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth (1) Springer eBook Collection (1) ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper (1) Research (1) WU international taxation research paper series : research papers (1) Discussion paper / Deutsche Bundesbank (1) Gabler Edition Wissenschaft / Schriften zum Steuer-, Rechnungs- und Prüfungswesen (1) SpringerLink / Bücher (1) Discussion paper / Volkswirtschaftliches Forschungszentrum, Deutsche Bundesbank / Series 1, Studies of the Economic Research Center (1)