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GND: 131401491
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human capitalsocial changegender differencesweibliche arbeitskräftewomen workerseconomics writwrit largetechnischer fortschritttechnological changewomen s movementsozialer wandelfamily planningmakroökonomisches modellmacroeconomic modelhousehold incomehousehold productioneconomic growthworking timebaby boomersdemographic developmentlarge familylong runlabor marketreal wagesinternal migrationfamily economicshours worked
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Years of publications: 2002 - 2025
The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Guillaume Vandenbroucke
Biblio: MA in Economics, University of Rochester, 2001; Ph.D. University of Rochester, 2004. Am Department of Economics, University of Southern California
University of Iowa
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Research Department