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Glaeser, Edward L. Kahn, Matthew E. Wheaton, William C. Cummings, Jean L. Alejandro, Patricia Carter, Mary Ellen Guren, Adam M. Willen, Paul Murray, Michael P. Fricke, Dennis Garcia-Diaz, Daniel Wachter, Susan M. Somerville, Craig Tsuriel Keyes, Langley C. Maxwell, David O. Rouse, James W. All co-authors housing markets social capital property homeowners policy federal real estate market the costs tax urban better investments community local homeownership analysis evidence residential using wohneigentum incentives citizens riot economics measuring units government mobility anreiz bürgerbeteiligung kommunalpolitik wohnungspolitik construction unrest
Composed terms real estate property markets incentives social capital homeowners homeowners better estate markets better citizens federal housing markets the housing policy public participation kommunale entwicklung local development local policy riot economics economics urban urban unrest measuring neighborhood neighborhood investments federal policy sozialer konflikt social conflict urban population residential location los angeles calif county rental housing social capital housing tax investments examination examination community community choice angeles riot building foundations foundations housing housing federal policy options costs taxpayers homeownership encourage homeownership gives gives individuals individuals incentive incentive improve improve community community homeownership homeownership creates creates barriers barriers mobility mobility using using social social survey survey document document homeowners invest social capital simple simple instrumental instrumental variables
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Denise DiPasquale Alternative spellings: Denise M. DiPasquale Denise Di Pasquale Denise M. Di Pasquale Denise di Pasquale Denise M. di Pasquale Biblio: US General Accounting Off.; Univ. of Chicago; Harvard Univ.; City Research, Boston, MA
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series Discussion paper series / Harvard Institute of Economic Research (2) NBER Working Paper (2) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (2) Working papers / Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (1) Discussion paper series / Department of Economics, Columbia University (1)