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Bartling, Björn Ranehill, Eva Schneider, Florian Heursen, Lea Schneider, Frédéric Engl, Florian Kriss, Peter H. Valero, Vanessa Yao, Lan Camerer, Colin Maréchal, Michel André Brenøe, Anne Ardila D'Adda, Giovanna Blume, Andreas Krupka, Erin L. Brun, Fanny Riedl, Arno Darai, Donja Miller, John H. Salmon, Tim Cohn, Alain Cooper, David J. Ging-Jehli, Nadja R. Davis, Alexander L. Eyibak, Zeynep Brandts, Jordi Kogan, Shimon Malmendier, Ulrike Krupka, Erin Gino, Francesca Geōrganas, Sōtērēs Xiao, Erte Healy, Paul J. Cohn, Alain Rick, Scott Åstebro, Thomas Lazear, Edward P. McEvily, Bill Valero, Vanessa Antoniades, Alexis Knez, Marc Herz, Holger Dana, Jason Seshan, Ganesh Jehli, Nadja R. Stoker, Janka I. Nanda, Ramana Moser, Donald V. Te Velde, Vera L. All co-authors experiment market behavior social study laboratory outcomes work whether game evidence leaders conduct monetary group preferences immoral higher economic job responsible impact socially effect using labor spieltheorie data self changes norms differences individual contexts public vary groups policy negative experimental strategic provide dictator effects attitude investigate biases use female research production discourse gaps collective spillover individuals studies parties efficient incentive actions non costs making effective preference
Composed terms game theory socially responsible labor market job changes nichtkooperatives spiel noncooperative game market behavior spillover effects corporate social responsibility collective outcomes immoral work willfully ignorant preferences beliefs self serving frequent job investigate whether public goods pro social di tella soziales verhalten social behaviour using coordination provide evidence study whether ultimatum game social behavior efficient coordination experimental study policy outcomes conduct laboratory leadership style Öffentliche güter discourse socially responsible market experiments using serving biases beliefs collective behavioral economics market data women effective effective leaders gender gaps appropriate market unfair outcomes social impact vary whether business ethics pre play long term prior research female leaders social norm responsible behavior risk attitude soziale norm decision making social responsibility wage premiums games dictator game form laboratory experiments market outcomes investigate causal products differ perceived immoral paper studies public good spillover effect market social effects institutions poor work job history lower performing gender differences varying degrees biases information remaining willfully hand willfully ignorant dictators dictators punished actions lead bias beliefs female representation
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Roberto A. Weber Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: Roberto Weber B: 1972 Biblio: BA (Econ.) Texas A&M Univ. 1994; Ph.D. Calif. Inst. of Technology, 2000. Assoc. Prof. am Department of Social and Decision Sciences der Carnegie Mellon Univ. {1999-2011}; Amerikan. Wirtschaftswissenschaftler
Profession Economist
Affiliations Universität Zürich. Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre
Publishing years Series Working paper series / University of Zurich, Department of Economics (29) CESifo working papers (19) University of Zurich, Department of Economics, Working Paper (12) CESifo Working Paper Series (8) CESifo Working Paper (7) Discussion paper series / IZA (4) Working paper series / University of Zurich, Department of Economics : working paper Nr. ... (3) IZA Discussion Paper (3) Working papers in economics (3) Barcelona GSE working paper series : working paper (2) URPP Equality of Opportunity discussion paper series (2) Experimental economics : a journal of the Economic Science Association (2) University of Zurich Department of Economics Working Paper (2) CEBI working paper series : working paper (1) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (1) HEC Paris research paper series (1) GSBE research memoranda (1) Working papers / Harvard Business School, Division of Research (1) Working paper / Department of Economics, Lund University (1) Discussion paper (1) Social science working paper (1)