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Kiguel, Miguel A. Barnea, Emanuel Barḳai, Ḥayim Cukierman, Alex Leiderman, Leonardo Frish, Roni Ades, Alberto Fabián Bléjer, Mario I. Piterman, Sylvia Levhari, David Melnick, Rafi Thorne, Alfredo E. Levhari, David Samuelson, Paul Anthony All co-authors israel inflationsbekämpfung stabilization lateinamerika inflation monetary wechselkurspolitik process geldpolitik argentina programs argentinien stabilisierungspolitik hyperinflation exchange rate finanzpolitik experience disinflation heterodox lessons wirtschaftspolitik term dominance money brazil based stabilizations stopping paper brasilien einkommenspolitik nominal aspects fighting strategies long fiscal indexed latin america wechselkurs geldmengensteuerung geldgeschichte bankgeschichte zentralbank perspective anchor economic statistical reserves model israeli tight central chronic policy paradox output tales big inflations peru europe currency commit rule balancing credibility flexibility optimal policies accelerating balance payments crises view consistent estimation distributed lags errors variables engel curve analysis notes bonds analyzes context succeeded program stability zins inflationstheorie zentralbankunabhängigkeit bankenaufsicht geldsubstitut osteuropa spieltheorie inflationskonvergenz zahlungsbilanz Ökonometrik geldwertsicherungsklausel public debt discretionary reflections failure taylor principle injection function bank intervention selective analytical survey evidence history overview selected topics don patinkin
Composed terms anti inflation policy latin america monetary policy exchange rate policy stabilization policy fiscal policy stabilization programs economic policy argentina israel rate based heterodox stabilization bretton woods system wirtschaftliche anpassung economic adjustment iwf kredit imf lending incomes policy fighting hyperinflation hyperinflation stabilization stabilization strategies strategies argentina long term central bank monetary history exchange rate based stabilizations argentina brazil monetary targeting banq yiśrā ēl banking history 1948 2004 stabilization perspective nominal anchor anchor economic economic statistical statistical aspects reserves inflation fiscal dominance dominance monetary monetary dominance dominance israeli israeli monetary monetary experience bank israel inflation process tight money chronic inflation israel monetary inflation stabilization inflation disinflation stopping big big inflations inflations argentina brazil peru commit exchange rate rule rule balancing balancing credibility credibility flexibility stopping inflation eastern europe lessons heterodox programs lessons accelerating inflation inflation balance balance payments payments crises estimation distributed distributed lags engel curve 1973 1985 interest rate near money inflation convergence 1973 1984 experience reflections principle commitment para las old new
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Nissan Liviatan Prof. Alternative spellings: Nisan Leṿitan Nisan Liṿyatan N. Liviatan Biblio: Tätig an der World Bank Source:
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Profession Economist
Affiliations Banq Yiśrā'ēl ha-@Universịtah ha-ʿIvrit bi-Yerushalayim
Publishing years Series Discussion paper series / Research Department, Bank of Israel (10) Policy research working paper : WPS (3) Policy, research and external affairs working papers : WPS (2) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-50, 1987 (1) The monetary history of Israel (1) World Bank discussion paper (1) Convertibilidad y sustitución de moneda (1) Policy, planning, and research working papers (1) IMF working paper (1) The Falk Projekt for Economic Research in Israel, Research Paper (1) The Falk Project for Economic Research in Israel, Research Paper (1)