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Scheuer, Florian Colander, David C. Poterba, James M. Finkelstein, Amy Gemmo, Irina Kubitza, Christian Neumuller, Seth Eling, Martin Muermann, Alexander Setterfield, Mark Dionne, Georges Hofmann, Annette Lin, Jieyu Chen, Ziyue Gaastra, Sieuwerd Gentry, William M. Guikema, Seth Albert, Laura A. Boadway, Robin W. Lin, Jieyu Goldfarb, Robert S. Djalalova, Fatima Li, Hui Lux, Thomas Kupers, Roland Weerapana, Akila Jia, Ruo Thistle, Paul D. Jia, Ruo Loomer, Jessica All co-authors optimal income rent taxation seeking tax activities returns market correction activity markets skill private model social heterogeneity selection taxes economies return externality where based characterize traditional versicherungsmarkt individual specific pigouvian sector constrained multidimensional effects linear annuity redistribution framework agents relative wirtschaftsstudium qualifikation umverteilung einkommensverteilung eigeninteresse continuous efficient types information efficiency pricing adverse analyzing policy distribution work develop dimensional function schedule generally reduce government versicherungsökonomik risikomodell einkommensteuer steuertheorie steuerpolitik produktionsstruktur applications existence spence risk screening spillovers economic choice life complexity macro annuities allocation implications multi vector intrinsic efforts standard affect pre pareto non observe strictly provide effizienz risiko structure welfare analysis insurance externalities miyazaki wilson self undergraduate graduate macroeconomics redistributive roy pedagogy vision regulation ban gender proof potentially unifying production abilities wide align shape including increasing scale sum jee
Composed terms rent seeking optimal taxation optimale besteuerung adverse selection insurance market adverse selektion risk classification pareto optimum pareto efficiency multidimensional skill taxation rent gender based tax policy private social graduate economics education occupational qualification income distribution Öffentliche güter public goods self interest taxation multidimensional skill heterogeneity optimal tax framework optimal tax schedule social returns income tax where private economics of insurance risk model general equilibrium theory of taxation production structure constrained efficient optimal income skill vector activity specific activities optimal activities where returns traditional traditional work non linear optimal externality externality correction pigouvian correction correction strictly risk management private altersvorsorge private retirement provision miyazaki wilson wilson spence selection markets economic effects redistributive taxation taxation roy roy model markets adverse redistribution insurance market regulation regulation analyzing analyzing ban ban gender based retirement retirement annuities develop unifying unifying framework taxation multi characterized dimensional dimensional skill intrinsic abilities activities private private return activity depends depends individual individual skill aggregate activity features multiplicative multiplicative income standard tax scale zero zero sum pre existing asymmetrische information risk insurance risk income
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Casey G. Rothschild Dr. Alternative spellings: Casey Rothschild C. G. Rothschild
Profession Economist
Affiliations Wellesley College. Department of Economics University of Missouri. School of Business and Public Administration Middlebury College Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Economics
Publishing years Series NBER Working Paper (4) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (4) CESifo working papers (2) CESifo Working Paper Series (2) Middlebury College working paper series (2) Working paper series / International Center for Insurance Regulation (1) The Geneva risk and insurance review (1) Public Economics Programme discussion papers (1) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (1)