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Solon, Gary Park, Seonyoung Shin, Kwanho Elsby, Michael W. L. Lee, Yoonseok Park, Ki-seong Park, Seonyoung Hwang, Jisoo Park, J. Kim, N. Wysk, R. A. Choi, HwaJung All co-authors wage real reallohn konjunktur evidence earnings job stayers cyclicality great data study dynamics procyclical panel südkorea new volatility procyclicality einkommensverteilung volatilität employer employee trends survey unemployment workers period schätzung estimation arbeitslosigkeit recent recession nominal wages current gender hourly finding explains lohn wirtschaftskrise lohnrigidität arbeitsmarktflexibilität geschlecht matches nature united states labor adjustments adjustment longitudinal social income men mobility based devereux%u findings discrepancy countries change reporting lohnstruktur männer einkommen arbeitsmobilität betriebszugehörigkeit branche changes distribution incomes consequences rising supply female analysis korea britain explanation crime national youth duration industry employment salaried noncyclical alternative measures examine error average substantially using year zero suggesting studies trend paper who stay basis substantial accounted rate reaches historical minimum level start behave asymmetrically cycle importantly accords theoretical prediction implicit stresses risk self jobs
Composed terms real wages business cycle earnings volatility job stayers panel study study income income dynamics income distribution south korea men earnings wage cyclicality trends men wages job new evidence wage rigidity great recession explains real wage procyclicality great wage economic crisis labour market flexibility evidence real real wage cyclicality employer employer employee employee matches wage adjustment adjustment great nominal wage volatility panel stayers procyclical wages procyclical dynamics data wage structure labour mobility job tenure economic sector recent changes changes nature nature distribution dynamics county county incomes wage flexibility great britain national longitudinal longitudinal survey survey youth cyclicality real gender industry employment cyclicality wages salaried hourly workers alternative wage wage measures average hourly hourly earnings survey data wage change suggesting wage paper explains procyclical who who stay stay employer employer basis basis panel data period period substantial substantial wage procyclicality job stayers accounted accounted great wage adjustments adjustments period period unemployment unemployment rate rate reaches reaches historical historical minimum minimum level level start start employee current job job finding finding explains asymmetrically cycle 1979 2011 1969 2004 1974 1991 selection risky short run nlsy data
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Donggyun Shin Prof. Alternative spellings: D. Shin Dongyun Shin Shin Donggyun Donggyun Shin Biblio: Tätig am College of Economics and Finance, Hanyang Univ., Seoul, Korea
Profession Economist
Affiliations Victoria University of Wellington. School of Economics and Finance Gyeong hui dae hag gyo University of Michigan. Department of Economics
Publishing years Series NBER Working Paper (3) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (3) SEF working paper (2) Discussion paper / Institute of Social and Economic Research (1)