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Lowry, Michelle Schwert, George William Chen, Lin Cousin, Jean-Gabriel Zou, Hong De Bodt, Eric Eaton, Gregory W. Liu, Tingting Fu, Fangjian Lin, Leming Hertzel, Michael G. Stegemoller, Mike Poulsen, Annette Brinch Wang, Rui Powell, Ronan Lin, Juichia Choy, Helen Li, Zhi Bereskin, Fred Huang, Peng Alimov, Azizjon Oh, Jong-Min Byun, Seong K. Shen, Beibei Schmid, Thomas Yanzhi, Wang Hsu, Po-Hsuan Chen, I-Ju Guo, Feng Roll, Richard Rodgers, Kimberly J. All co-authors Übernahme takeover ipo acquisitions firms merger returns fusion initial mergers value börsenkurs variability firm stock evidence overvalued higher underwriters unternehmenswert payment overvaluation information asymmetry acquirers volatility kapitaleinkommen unternehmensbewertung haftpflichtversicherung kapitalanlage börsengang volatilität effect financial method
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Micah S. Officer Dr. Alternative spellings: Micah Officer B: 1974 Biblio: Assistant Professor of Finance in the Marshall School at the University of Southern California (2006)
Profession Economist
Affiliations Loyola Marymount University. Hilton Center for Business
Publishing years Series NBER Working Paper (1) Simon School Working Paper (1) Simon Business School working paper (1) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (1)