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Keefer, Philip Knack, Stephen F. Olson, Mancur Betancourt, Roger R. Greenaway, David Panagariya, Arvind Chang, Ha-joon Feng, Yi Barzel, Yoram Grossbard-Shechtman, Shoshanna Desser, Arna S. Nolan, Peter Clague, Christopher Rausser, Gordon C. Officer, Lawrence H. All co-authors rezension economic institutionenökonomik contract property rights heckscher ohlin model capital utilization wirtschaftswachstum vertrag sachenrecht außenwirtschaftstheorie kaufkraftparität democracy performance development international prices factor countries demokratie systemtransformation entwicklungsländer preisniveau produktionskapazität governance intensive money enforcement autocracies democracies rule obedience organizational loyalty comparisons output cambridge agricultural price level costs developed incidence specific factors augmented america
Composed terms institutional economics heckscher ohlin ohlin model capital utilization law of property international economics purchasing power parity economic performance price level developing countries economic growth economic transition production capacity performance rezension contract intensive intensive money money contract contract enforcement enforcement property property rights rights economic property contract contract rights rights autocracies autocracies democracies rule obedience obedience organizational organizational loyalty loyalty economic rezension international incidence specific specific factors factors augmented augmented heckscher relative efficiency national price utilization heckscher exchange rate neue institutionenökonomik new institutional economics 1960 1989 1972 1990 production theory look far far come come rezension rezension feng feng yi yi democracy democracy governance governance economic rezension barzel barzel yoram yoram state state contract performance property democracies rule economic development development symposium symposium reorientation reorientation economics economics economics economics rezension international interarea interarea comparisons comparisons income income output output prices prices ed ed alan alan heston heston contract rezension contemporary contemporary capitalism
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Christopher K. Clague Alternative spellings: Christopher Clague B: 1938 Biblio: Ph.D., Harvard. Assoc. professor of economics, Univ. of Md.
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series CREDIT research paper (2) The Johns Hopkins studies in development (1)