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growth accountingcross countryeconomic growthinfrastructure economiceast northinfrastructure investmentcountry regressionsgrowth regressionsgrowth middleusing growthaccounting frameworkproductivity growthredistributive capacitymiddle eastpersonal incomegrowth easteast asiaincome distributionpre taxtotal factorfactor productivityafrica regiontax policymittlerer ostenincome taxdeveloping countriesnorth africaafrica infrastructurecountries periodpaper examinesexamines whetherwhether infrastructureinvestment contributedcontributed eastasia economicgrowth usingframework crossregressions variablesvariables usedused growthaccounting exerciseexercise crossregressions failfail significantsignificant linklink infrastructureinfrastructure productivitygrowth conclusionsconclusions contrastcontrast stronglystrongly previousprevious studiesstudies findingfinding positivepositive significantsignificant effecteffect infrastructureinfrastructure variablesvariables contextcontext productionproduction functionfunction studystudy leadsleads concludeconclude resultsresults studiesstudies usingusing macromacro levellevel datadata consideredconsidered extremecaution authorsauthors suggestsuggest infrastructureinvestment primaryrelieving constraintsmena staatentax policiesla corsetax transfer
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100 records from EconBiz based on author Name
1. Coupon effects on corporate bonds : pricing, empirical duration, and spread convexity
Hyman, Jay; Ben Dor, Arik; Dynkin, Lev; Horowitz, David; Xu, Zhe;2015
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
2. A philosophy of development
Horowitz, David;1970
3. Proceedings of Symposium on the Commonweal Enterprises, June 28, 1975
Hesselbach, Walter; Horowitz, David; Hershlag, Z. Y.;1976
4. Containment and revolution : western policy towards social revolution: 1917 to Vietnam
Horowitz, David; Horowitz, David; Russell, Bertrand;1967
5. A bibliography of writings
Horowitz, David;1979
6. The business of business : how 100 businesses really work
Horowitz, David; Shilling, Dana;1989
7. Destructive generation : second thoughts about the sixties
Collier, Peter; Horowitz, David;1989
8. The Fords : an American epic
Collier, Peter; Horowitz, David;1987
9. The Fords : an American epic
Collier, Peter; Horowitz, David;1987
Type: Biografie; Biographie; Biographisches Nachschlagewerk; Lebensbeschreibung; Berühmte Persönlichkeit / Biografie; Biografisches Nachschlagewerk;
10. The Kennedys : an American drama
Collier, Peter; Horowitz, David; Kennedy;1984