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Karanasos, Menelaos Stürmer, Karin Glas, Alexander Enders, Zeno Rittler, Daniel Mammen, Enno Rotfuß, Waldemar Schienle, Melanie Eife, Thomas A. Weber, Enzo Hartmann, Matthias Zeng, Ning Kleen, Onno Zumbach, Klaus Ulrich Lahiri, Kajal Ghysels, Eric Custovic, Anessa Engle, Robert F. Tushteva, Nikoleta Schölkopf, Julius Zumbach, Klaus Lamla, Michael L. Haag, Berthold R. All co-authors garch model long term uncertainty stock component conditional households variance volatility models volatilität economic macroeconomic future rate market policy schätzung estimation variables european output expected monetary results frequency based growth inflation new returns channels mean negative function investigate conditions paper data zeitreihenanalyse multiplicative portfolios evidence effect explanatory role testing survey time empirical response derive variable sufficient cross financial markets spillovers process effects inflationserwartung using risk dynamics prices level use change unemployment shaped bitcoin prognoseverfahren risiko news varying central examine strong parameter professional forecasters modeling gap rule while past higher period specification weights changes hygarch figarch konjunktur short parametric bond oil link union memory performance various heterogeneity large impact sample börsenkurs information determinants communication properties taylor correlation hypothesis geldpolitik german closely perceived propose obtain consider suggest statistic test activity affects bank variances innovation aktienmarkt household korrelation ankündigungseffekt non
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Christian Conrad Prof. Dr. B: 1977 Biblio: Diss. Universität Mannheim, Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaft und Volkswirtschaftslehre, Germany
Profession Volkswirt Hochschullehrer
Affiliations Konjunkturforschungsstelle (Zürich) Alfred-Weber-Institut für Wirtschaftswissenschaften (Heidelberg)
Publishing years Series Discussion paper series / University of Heidelberg, Department of Economics (18) AWI discussion paper series (3) Working papers (3) Discussion paper (2) ZEW discussion papers (2) Journal of empirical finance (1) University of Heidelberg Department of Economics Discussion Paper (1) Regensburger Diskussionsbeiträge zur Wirtschaftswissenschaft (1) University of Heidelberg, Department of Economics, Discussion Paper (1) Updated version of: University of Heidelberg, Department of Economics, Discussion Paper Series (1) Working paper series in economics (1) CESifo Working Paper (1) CESifo working papers (1) Working Papers of the Priority Programme 1859 : Experience and Expectation : Historical Foundations of Economic Behaviour (1) CESifo Working Paper Series (1) NYU Stern School of Business (1) Deutsche Bundesbank Discussion Paper (1) KOF working papers (1)