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Martel, Jocelyn Waschik, Robert G. Konieczny, Jerzy D. Prentice, David Barthélémy, Fabrice Wright, Donald J. Blackorby, Charles Schworm, William E. Gavious, Ilanit Nguyen, Kiet T. Chande, Dinu Chung, Alan Helliwell, John F. All co-authors bankruptcy insolvenz insolvency reorganization canada firm decision canadian firms economics costs evidence empirical prices managerial approach model business trade framework bulow shoven white spieltheorie unternehmenssanierung government financial effect study direct data game information relative bankruptcies industries oligopoly work product level wirkungsanalyse preisrigidität
Composed terms bankruptcy decision bankruptcy costs canadian newspaper newspaper prices managerial economics firm bankruptcy bulow shoven business recovery direct bankruptcy evidence canadian trade liberalization production function shoven white white framework impact assessment price stickiness business economics game theory organisatorischer wandel organizational change 1977 1988 inflation costly costly price price adjustment adjustment study study canadian economics strategic strategic approach approach managerial costs firm synchronization price price changes changes multiproduct multiproduct firms firms evidence decision empirical empirical evidence evidence canada court supervised supervised reorganization effect bankruptcy bankruptcy reform reform number reorganization proposals economics game game theoretic theoretic approach canada empirical canada comparison comparison business business bankruptcies bankruptcies industries industries canada unionized oligopoly oligopoly trade financial reorganization testing existence existence input input aggregates 1965 1990
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Timothy C. G. Fisher Alternative spellings: Timothy G. Fisher Timothy Fisher Tim Fisher Timothy C. Fisher B: 1959
Profession Betriebswirt
Affiliations Wilfrid Laurier University University of Sydney
Publishing years Series Documents de recherche / ESSEC Centre de Recherche (4) Documents de travail / THEMA (3) Working paper / Department of Economics, Wilfrid Laurier University (2) Discussion paper / University of British Columbia, Department of Economics (2) Working papers in economics (1) CORE discussion paper : DP (1)