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Pollitt, Christopher Van Dooren, Wouter Halligan, John Sterck, Miekatrien Scheers, Bram Halligan, John Azam, Malul Pollitt, Christopher Verhoest, Koen Peters, Brainard Guy Oomsels, Peter Reichard, Christoph Zahra, Abiha Klimovský, Daniel Bleyen, Pieter Jones, Stephen Callens, Marloes Jann, Werner Chantillon, Maxim Crompvoets, Joep Heijlen, Roel Nemec, Juraj Klimovský, Daniel Van Reeth, Wouter All co-authors public performance management information sector verwaltung verwaltungsreform administration comparative field analysis government european reforms measurement vergleich comparison based budgeting reform quality policy lessons processes way case results managing international comparisons concepts data europa leistungsmessung organisationswandel creation state non evolving service delivery types impact forward analytical future studying trust continuity change academic netherlands australian british oriented financial improvement evolutions use haushaltsplanung effizienz networks informationsverbreitung niederlande vertrauen confidence belgien qualitätsmanagement
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Geert Bouckaert Prof. Alternative spellings: G. Bouckaert Hēruto Būkāruto B: 1958 Biblio: Direktor des Inst. für Public Management an der Katholischen Univ. Leuven, Belgien
Profession Verwaltungswissenschaftler
Publishing years Series Scientific papers of the University of Pardubice (1) Routledge masters in public management series (1) Routledge masters in public management (1) Doctoraten in de sociale wetenschappen (1)