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Knoester, Anthonie Memedović, Olga Kuyvenhoven, Arie Routsi, Jorma Dybczak, Kamil Voňka, David Dykstra, Maurice J. Herderschee, Han Doorn, Joost van Rive Box, Joost de la Siebrand, Jan C. Brandsma, Andries S. Brandsma, Andries All co-authors entwicklungsländer economy economic models policy ldc relations aid evaluation final report real taxation oecd countries van wirtschaftsmodell bulgarien bulgaria finnland finland niederlande effect oil price shocks czech beauty contest design simulations aeaf model need making recent developments overview transition central eastern europe implications joint ventures finnfund export credits finnish premixed concessional credit scheme wages unemployment fiscal discipline significance optimized proposals coexisting confrontatie werkgelegenheidsplan inflatiebestrijding het licht nederlandse economie Ölpreis wirkungsanalyse tschechien simulation wirtschaftspolitik systemtransformation osteuropa wirtschaftsbeziehungen entwicklungshilfe außenhandelsfinanzierung außenwirtschaftsförderung reallohn steuerinzidenz lohn steuer tax industriesubvention arbeitspolitik arbeitslosigkeit finanzpolitik haushaltskonsolidierung makroökonometrie macroeconometrics arbeitsmarktpolitik inflation netherlands
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Nico van der Windt Alternative spellings: N. van der Windt N. Van Der Windt N. VanDerWindt
Profession Economist
Affiliations Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Publishing years Series Working paper series / Agency for Economic Analysis and Forecasting (2) Report of evaluation study (2) Discussion paper series / Institute for Economic Research, Erasmus University Rotterdam (2) Working paper series / Czech National Bank (1) EU-LDC trade and capital relations series (1) Discussion Paper Series, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Institute for Economic Research, 84/19/G (1) Erasmus University Rotterdam, Institute for Economic Research, Discussion Paper Series (1)