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Behrman, Jere R. Mitchell, Olivia S. Todd, Petra Bravo, David Mesa-Lago, Carmelo Montecinos, Verónica Bertranou, Fabio Benavides Salazar, Paula Gumucio Rivas, Juan Sebastián Brenes, Ivan Gana Cornejo, Pamela Cornejo, Pamela Gana Robles, Claudia Guzmán, Julio Guzmán Cox, Julio Rosemartin, Dennis Sanchez Barca, Deborah J. Cecchini, Simone Mosqueira Medina, Edgardo Marcel, Mario All co-authors social chile rentenreform survey chilean reform altersvorsorge sistemas protection pension lessons américa latina sostenibilidad del desafíos protección lateinamerika turns para security retirement old contribution individual benefit género effects
Composed terms pension reform retirement provision sistemas pensiones protection survey américa latina social security soziale sicherheit latin america gesetzliche rentenversicherung public pension system chilean pension reform turns turns lessons lessons social la sostenibilidad social policy Öffentliche sozialausgaben public social expenditure pension finance fully funded system latina el gasto público sostenibilidad financiera pensiones la reform chile política fiscal social chile fiscal policy reforma sistemas pensiones desafíos desafíos la la dimensión dimensión género sistema pensiones pensiones administrado administrado por por el el sector sector privado privatization social chile dramatically dramatically reformed reformed retirement retirement replacing replacing old old insolvent insolvent paygo paygo program program new new structure structure relies relies heavily heavily funded funded defined defined contribution contribution individual individual accounts accounts addition addition eligibility eligibility benefit benefit requirements requirements standardized standardized safety safety net net old old age age poverty poverty strengthened strengthened years years reform reform chilean chilean model model assessed terms coverage coverage contribution contribution investment investment retirement retirement benefit outcomes paper developed longitudinal survey individual individual respondents respondents chile chile social social eps eps illustrates illustrates uses uses survey
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Alberto Arenas Alternative spellings: Alberto Arenas de Mesa Alberto Arenas De Mesa Alberto Arenas de Mesa Alberto Arenas de Mesa Biblio: Tätig am Centro de Microdates, Univ. de Chile
Profession Economist
Affiliations Vereinte Nationen. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean Chile. Ministerio de Hacienda University of Pittsburgh
Publishing years Series Libros de la CEPAL (2) NBER Working Paper (1) Documentos de proyectos (1) Serie macroeconomía del desarrollo (1) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (1) Serie financiamento para el desarrollo (1) Serie población y desarrollo (1) Occasional papers (1)