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Anik, Asif Reza Karki, Lila Böckenhoff, Ewald Kasnako ̆lu, Haluk Bauer, Siegfried Bauer, Sepp Urff, Winfried von Steinhauser, H. Henrichsmeyer, Wilhelm Kasnakoǧlu, Halûk Kesting, Monika Ye, Min Jiang, Xiu-kai Götz, Walter B. Pick, Doris Maharjan, Amina Beckmann, Gisela Kuhlmann, Friedrich Herrmann, Roland Trötschler, Patrick Birner, Regina Runge, Tanja Soboth, Andrea Runge, Tania Geiger, Claudia Ketema, Mengistu Knerr, Béatrice Heinrichsmeyer, Wilhelm All co-authors landwirtschaft agriculture households agrarpolitik agricultural different probability relationships power entities experiencing ländlichen sector agrarreform policy analyse sectors results relationship services naturschutz agrarplanung determinants corruption farm räume regionalpolitik
Composed terms agricultural policy different power power entities probability experiencing experiencing corruption ländlicher raum eu staaten eu countries relationships different agricultural sector households probability rural area nachhaltige entwicklung sustainable development regional policy agricultural economics agricultural market agricultural soil nature conservation agrarian reform economic model municipal budget household income income relationships entities determinants determinants corruption ländlicher räume issues challenges challenges rural rural development development vol haushaltswirtschaft gemeinden policy analysis
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Siegfried Bauer Prof. Dr. agr. Alternative spellings: Siegfried Fritz Bauer S. Bauer B: 24. Januar 1949 Pending, Kr. Schwandorf D: 1. Februar 2023Place of Activity: KielPlace of Activity: BonnPlace of Activity: Gießen
Profession Agrarökonom Economist Hochschullehrer
Affiliations Institut für Landwirtschaftliche Betriebslehre. Professur für Projekt- und Regionalplanung (Gießen) Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Publishing years Series Volkswirtschaftliche Schriften (2) Farming & rural systems economics (2) Working paper / Centre for the Study of Labour and Mobility (1) Schriftenreihe der Forschungsgesellschaft für Agrarpolitik und Agrarsoziologie (1) Europäische Hochschulschriften / 5 (1) Ländliche Räume - rural areas - espaces rurales (1) Proceedings of the ... Symposium of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (1) Agrarökonomische Studien (1) Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues (1) 78-2 (1)