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Burch, Martin Paterson, William E. Armstrong, Kenneth A. Brok, Elmar Hrbek, Rudolf Hasse, Rolf H. Wolter, Achim Church, Clive H. George, Stephen Nicholson, Frances Wessels, Wolfgang All co-authors european wirtschaftsintegration germany community market europa governance single economic political europe internal federal republic west making wirtschaftspolitik binnenmarkt ewg maastricht großbritannien
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Simon Bulmer Prof. Alternative spellings: Simon J. Bulmer S. Bulmer B: 1954 Biblio: Jean-Monnet-Professor of European Politics an der Universität von Sheffield; B.A. Loughborough, M.A. Hull, Ph.D. London
Profession Soziologe
Affiliations University of Sheffield
Publishing years Series EPRU paper (1) European policy research unit series (1) EC membership evaluated series (1) EPRU working papers (1) Longman current affairs (1) Manchester papers in politics (1) Outstanding theses from the London School of Economics and Political Science (1)