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Rogerson, Richard Donald Laun, Tobias Prescott, Edward C. Leenders, Frank Margaris, Panos Vigtel, Trond Christian Markussen, Simen Groneck, Max Margaris, Panagiotis Markussen, Simen All co-authors labor model supply arbeitsangebot employment life older cycle lebenszyklus pension retirement insurance altersgrenze disability social health individuals time changes country aggregate work gesundheit cross elasticities hours arbeitszeit reform taxes lifetime endogenous workweek length working workers benefits policies erwerbsminderungsrente use paper study age pecuniary implications micro macro elasticity large heterogeneous develop people zeitverwendung erwerbsunfähigkeit altersvorsorge elastizität security variation shocks evidence home production
Composed terms labour supply life cycle cycle model older workers Ältere arbeitskräfte cross country working time older individuals disability benefits time use aggregate labor endogenous workweek workweek length disability insurance micro macro macro elasticities lifetime aggregate supply endogenous model labor work disability Ältere menschen elderly people retirement provision social security employment older employment rates pension benefits time work hours work Öffentliche sozialleistungen social security benefits gesetzliche rentenversicherung public pension system tax effects allgemeines gleichgewicht general equilibrium working time arrangement overlapping generations wealth buy buy health health model model pecuniary investments health household time use older older couples couples evidence evidence implications implications labor supply parameters health longevity pension reform social insurance insurance retirement retirement cross country perspective swedish pension elasticities life model taxes elasticity substitution paper study end develop heterogeneous agents age pensions lowering pension gender wage wage gap develop life choose stop stop working apply disability disability pension model predicts soziale sicherheit variation cost cost job pecuniary non pecuniary investments institutions secular changes employment individuals household labor supply model health retirement case taxes life model heterogeneous substitution leisure study role old age healthcare accounting faced older fact based
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Johanna Wallenius B: 1981 Biblio: Graduate Student u. Graduate Teaching Assoc. am Department of Economics der Arizona State University
Profession Economist
Affiliations Handelshögskolan i Stockholm
Publishing years Series Netspar academic series (2) Discussion papers / CEPR (2) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (2) Working papers / Department of Economics, Uppsala University (2) NBER Working Paper (2) SSE EFI working paper series in economics and finance (2) Staff report (2) NBER working paper series (1) LIS working paper series (1) Staff report / Research Department, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis (1)