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Scholtens, Bert Tang, Paul J. G. Muns, Sander Bovenberg, Ary Lans Draper, Nick Mehlkopf, Roel Knoef, Marike Groot, Henri L. F. de Soest, Arthur van Bijlsma, Michiel J. Haaijen, Ferry Horst, Albert van der Been, Jim Micevska Scharf, Maja Santing, Coos All co-authors netherlands niederlande pension equity altersvorsorge voor van rentenreform pensionskasse growth analysis premium cycle progressive life taxes
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Casper van Ewijk Dr. Alternative spellings: C. van Ewijk Casper Van Ewijk B: 1953 Biblio: Tätig als Dozent an der Univ. of Amsterdam; tätig an der Kath. Univ. Brabant; Tilburg Univ.; Netspar Source:
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Profession Economist
Affiliations Niederlande. Centraal Planbureau Tinbergen Institute
Publishing years Series Netspar industry series (5) Netspar academic series (5) CPB discussion paper (5) Discussion paper / Tinbergen Institute (5) CPB document (3) SEO-rapport (1) De economist : Netherlands Economic Review (1) Netspar Discussion Paper (1) CPB book (1) Occasional paper / ENEPRI, European Network of Economic Policy Research Institutes (1) Research memoranda / Central Planning Bureau (1) Environmental economics (1) Research memorandum / Department of Economics, University of Amsterdam (1) Financial and monetary policy studies (1)