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Ringle, Christian M. Schröder, Meike Blecker, Thorsten Jahn, Carlos Koch, Jan Singer, Carolin Petersen, Moritz Singer, Carolin Böger, Mareike Hohrath, Philipp Skirde, Henning Saeed, Muhammad Amad Wildemann, Horst Winter, Marc Al Mansi, Adel Feser, Max Lodemann, Sebastian Brockhaus, Sebastian Weigell, Jürgen See, Birgit von Hackius, Niels Brockhaus, Sebastian Allonas, Claudia Brylowski, Martin Hohrath, Philipp Alexander Feser, Max Flämig, Heike Herstatt, Cornelius Lödding, Hermann Nagi, Ayman Ilʹin, I. V. Müller, Merlin A. Ojala, Lauri M. Indorf, Marius Held, Tobias Klotzbach, Markus Maydanova, Svetlana Wallenburg, Carl Marcus Wagenstetter, Nikolaus All co-authors supply chain lieferkette logistik logistics chains research approaches maritime volume innovative based sustainability data solutions digital risikomanagement nachhaltigkeit sustainable logistikunternehmen analytics development analysis models business provides social insights wolfgang literature city international kersten valuable industry performance digitalisierung study findings
Composed terms supply chain chain management supply chains supply chain management risk management logistics provider logistics supply artificial intelligence provides valuable valuable insights innovative technology technology based volume edited christian ringle chain analytics sustainable supply volume contains contains research research contributions contributions international international group group authors based approaches ringle provides approaches supply authors addressing addressing innovative management volume management logistics logistics sustainability approaches logistics chain risk baltic sea region literature review digital transformation business models innovation management künstliche intelligenz sustainability related recent approaches analytics risk thorsten blecker decision making maritime port arctic maritime logistics sustainable edited wolfgang models investment investment options options enhanced enhanced strategic strategic decision making recent kersten christian logistics regard systematic literature maritime logistics sustainability performance carlos jahn blecker christian risk security present business city logistics data science performance indicators digitalization supply sea region quality management performance management use cases manufacturing industry innovation technology jahn wolfgang sustainable development sustainability logistics logistics ▪ port city sea route standards guidelines ml use
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Wolfgang Kersten Prof., Dr. rer. pol. Alternative spellings: W. Kersten B: 1959 Wiesbaden
Profession Wirtschaftsingenieur
Affiliations Hamburg School of Logistics Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg Technische Universität Hamburg Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg. Institut für Logistik und Unternehmensführung Technische Universität Hamburg. Institut für Logistik und Unternehmensführung
Publishing years Series Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL) (25) Reihe: Supply chain, logistics and operations management (9) Operations and technology management (7) Supply chain, logistics and operations management (5) Schriftenreihe der Hochschulgruppe für Arbeits- und Betriebsorganisation e.V. (HAB) (2) LogOn Baltic master reports (2) CASH reports : connecting authorities for safer heavy goods traffic in the Baltic Sea Region (2) Springer eBook Collection / Business and Economics (1) Gabler Edition Wissenschaft (1) Gabler Edition Wissenschaft / Forum produktionswirtschaftliche Forschung (1) Schriftenreihe der Hamburg School of Logistics an der Technischen Universität Hamburg-Harburg (1) SpringerLink / Bücher (1) Forschungsbericht / Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt : DLR FB (1) Springer Gabler Research (1) TCW (1) Schriftenreihe Innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis (1) ISI-Schriftenreihe "Innovationspotenziale" (1) Innovationen für die maritime Logistik (1) Forschungs-/Entwicklungs-/Innovations-Management (1) Springer eBooks / Business and Economics (1) Research (1) International journal of physical distribution and logistics management (1) TCW Wissenschaft und Praxis (1) TCW-Report : Konzepte, Praxisfälle (1)