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Engel, Kathleen C. Wachter, Susan M. Bostic, Raphael W. Pennington-Cross, Anthony Levitin, Adam J. Kim, Nancy Kunz, Christina L. Linzer, Peter Moringiello, Juliet M. Renuart, Elizabeth A. Willis, Lauren E. Pavlov, Andrey D. Chomsisengphet, Souphala All co-authors lending home subprime market crisis financial failure hmda hypothek mortgage act regulatory federal lenders did disclosure consumer risk securitization virus credit standards government short securities authors new offer finanzkrise regulierung synopsis recent legislative history result reckless steps state anti predatory laws better legal reporting ethnicity geographic mortgages law concerned obscure regulation allowed who asset selling backed book engel mccoy led bankenkrise faulty foundation draft restatement contracts systemic deregulation mortage product substitution loans borrowers preemption race moral hazard implications deposit insurance evidence local effect enforcement mechanisms article describes provisions tracing evolution congress expanded require requires report demographic makeup distribution amendments later developments transformed exclusively disinvestment disparities process evolved statute flashpoint debates discrimination
Composed terms home mortgage regulatory failure mortgage disclosure disclosure act subprime virus lending standards financial crisis act synopsis synopsis recent recent legislative legislative history virus reckless reckless credit credit regulatory failure steps anti predatory predatory lending lending laws mortgage lending moral hazard ethnicity race short selling mortgage backed backed securities subprime crisis did crisis subprime krise subprime financial crisis banking crisis history faulty faulty foundation foundation draft draft restatement restatement consumer consumer contracts contracts systemic systemic risk risk securitization securitization result result deregulation deregulation regulatory failure subprime steps mortage mortage product product substitution substitution state state anti laws better better loans loans better better borrowers borrowers subprime steps federal federal preemption preemption regulatory failure race race mortgage standards moral hazard implications implications deposit deposit insurance insurance evidence evidence state state local local anti laws effect effect legal legal enforcement enforcement mechanisms mechanisms home history article article describes describes provisions provisions federal federal home tracing legal congress expanded race hmda actors gain gain fees fees risks pass risk securitizers compete activated borrowing who did did join low risk risk premia allowing fundamental
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Patricia A. McCoy Alternative spellings: Patricia A. Mc Coy Patricia A. MacCoy P. A. McCoy Patricia A. Mc Coy B: 1954
Affiliations Boston College. Law School University of Connecticut