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Menezes, Flávio Marques Vella, Francis Hartley, Peter Reginald Milne, Frank Freyens, Benoît Pierre James, Chris Norton, Andrew Coleman, Jonathan Roger White, Lawrence H. Wilkinson, Bryce All co-authors chapter rice tax cost government analysis australia australien shadow equilibrium economics welfare auctions private asset economic changes policy wohlfahrtsökonomik opportunitätskosten unternehmensfinanzierung empirical estimates capital social value revenue benefit pricing financial auction price anomalies evidence wool uncertainty heterogeneous consumers stabilisation indonesia assessment bearing measuring insurance indonesian steuerwirkung wirtschaftspolitik auktion wolle preis wollmarkt körperschaftsteuer reispolitik reismarkt indonesien kapitalertragsteuer interpreting using mcf firm valuations treatment gains efficient allocation radio spectrum marginal funds boadway paradox revisited conventional distorting
Composed terms portfolio management portfolio selection excess burden kosten nutzen analyse cost benefit analysis welfare economics corporate finance Öffentliche güter public goods opportunity cost empirical estimates shadow value value government government revenue cost benefit benefit analysis auction price price anomalies anomalies evidence evidence wool wool auctions auctions australia heterogeneous consumers price stabilisation stabilisation indonesia indonesia economic economic assessment assessment changes changes risk risk bearing measuring welfare private insurance indonesian government rice market rice policy Öffentliche ausgaben public expenditure tax effects Öffentliche einnahmen public revenue wool market 1991 1994 corporate income tax operations research capital income tax interpreting using using empirical estimates mcf mcf firm firm valuations valuations cost cost capital capital tax tax treatment treatment capital capital gains gains efficient efficient allocation allocation radio radio spectrum spectrum marginal marginal social social cost cost funds funds shadow revenue cost analysis shadow revenue boadway boadway paradox paradox revisited revisited conventional analysis distorting distorting taxes taxes revised shadow pricing pricing rules rules tax distorted economy financial economics uncertainty subsidising pure public risk rice rice price
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Chris Jones B: 1953 Biblio: Senior lecturer at the Schol of Econimics, Australian Nat. Univ., Canberra ; Tätig an der Monash Univ.
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series Working papers in economics and econometrics (14) Department of Economics seminar paper / Monash University (1) Working paper (1) Policy research working paper : WPS (1) CIS policy forum (1)