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Shore-Sheppard, Lara D. Schmidt, Lucie Butcher, Kristin F. Fertig, Angela McLanahan, Sara Beam, Emily A. Yang, Dean Moran, Kelsey Chou, Tiffany Looney, Adam Masatlioglu, Yusufcan Masatioglu, Yusufcan Bailey, Martha J. Beeson, Patricia E. Morrison, Steven A. Winston, Clifford All co-authors safety net enforcement programs effects program born effect expansion security local benefits county aca states results food participation relative social impact eligibility paper foreign low outcomes behaviors disability evidence level united inequality residential public suggest state american applications drinking increase individual age institutional policies use percent assistance migranten migrants immigrant insurance choice laws likely cash using force ssi eitc non wohnstandort wirkungsanalyse mental risky labor families chilling marital status case single simulated associated
Composed terms medicaid expansion Öffentliche sozialleistungen social security benefits foreign born net programs aca medicaid results suggest health behaviors immigration enforcement relative income net program segregation income gesetzliche krankenversicherung public health insurance residential location impact assessment effect safety mental health residential segregation public health effects medicaid marital status task force health care system impact aca disability program chilling effects medicaid participation drinking age single mothers cash food security income income distribution individual level american community community survey health policy net generosity maternal mental social security cohort repayment enforcement immigrant immigrant location location choice minimum drinking health outcomes generous safety use simulated psychological distress residential choice percentage points food security affordable care care act act aca disability programs explore impact county level ssi ssdi contiguous county county pairs medicaid expansions county border paper investigates law enforcement federal immigration immigration law non citizens alcohol consumption prospect theory social inequality 1970 2000 inequality measurement measurement residential income american american neighborhoods born elderly low income programs food program applications expanding public evidence aca age laws laws infant marriage meets low food
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Tara Watson Dr. Alternative spellings: Tara Elizabeth Watson
Profession Economist
Affiliations Brookings Institution Williams College. Department of Economics National Bureau of Economic Research
Publishing years Series NBER Working Paper (10) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (9) NBER working paper series (5) Williams College Economics Department working paper series (1) FRB of Boston Working Paper (1) Working papers / Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (1)