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Nardotto, Mattia Lizzeri, Alessandro Valletti, Tommaso M. Benetton, Matteo Lanteri, Andrea Fang, Hanming Mongey, Simon Violante, Giovanni L. Fisher, Jack Liu, Lu Ramadorai, Tarun Tripathy, Jagdish Surico, Paolo Galenianos, Manolēs Galenianos, Manolis Bertolotti, Fabio Beltratti, Andrea Bar-Isaac, Heski Roketskiy, Nikita All co-authors local government health evidence policies markets model expenditures quality equilibrium using effects durable aggregate insurance households role lower data goods mortgage pricing lenders fees broadband diffusion greater educated individuals voters hypothek analysis drugs based car study wirtschaftskrise dynamics consumer cross monetary shocks rates decreasing suggests refinancing subsidies internet politics empirical asset inefficiencies aircraft surplus areas prices turn targeted medical investment turnover kommunalwahl breitbandkommunikation gemeindesteuer informationswert mediennutzung luftfahrzeug dynamic outcomes origination estimate information rich findings particularly consistent kraftfahrzeug new product recruiting intensity illicit central bank mortgages lender welfare trade empirically displaced news content radio newspapers voter turnout notably younger suggestive taxes idea plays key determining electoral participation size buyers expenditure zins konsumentenverhalten refinanzierung immobilienfinanzierung suchtheorie personalbeschaffung recruitment konjunktur financial credit decentralized retail use cars higher
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Alessandro Gavazza Dr. Biblio: Ph.D. (Economics) New York Univ. 2005; Assistant Professor of Economics at Yale School of Management
Profession Economist
Affiliations New York University Yale University
Publishing years Series Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (6) Discussion papers / CEPR (5) Bank of England Working Paper (2) ERID working paper (2) Staff working papers / Bank of England (2) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (2) NBER working paper series (1) CESifo working papers (1) Discussion papers / Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (1) Staff report (1) CESifo Working Paper Series (1) DIW Berlin Discussion Paper (1) Discussion paper (1) Economics of industry papers (1) Economic Research Initiatives at Duke (ERID) Working Paper (1) NBER Working Paper (1)