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Frölich, Markus Wondratschek, Verena Dahlberg, Matz Lundqvist, Heléne Gordon, Roger H. Persson, Lovisa Mörk, Eva Liang, Che-yuan Selin, Håkan Hanspers, Kajsa Hussain, Iftikhar Haelermans, Carla Hultkrantz, Lars Pettersson-Lidbom, Per Nekby, Lena Berg, Heléne Persson, Lars Selin, Hakan Norbäck, Pehr-Johan Prawitz, Erik Ågren, Hanna All co-authors effects choice schools sweden schweden swedish tax income results data independent students paper increased term ethnic evidence positive preferences different
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Karin Edmark Alternative spellings: K. Edmark
Profession Economist
Affiliations Institutet för Social Forskning (Stockholm) Institutet för Arbetsmarknadspolitisk Utvärdering Uppsala universitet. Nationalekonomiska institutionen Institutet för Näringslivsforskning (Stockholm) Uppsala Center for Fiscal Studies UCLS CESifo GmbH
Publishing years Series IFN working paper (10) IFN Working Paper (9) Working papers / Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy (5) Working papers / Department of Economics, Uppsala University (4) CESifo Working Paper Series (3) Working paper / Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) (3) CESifo working papers (3) ZEW - Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper (2) ZEW discussion papers (2) Working paper / IFAU - Institute for Labour Market Policy Evaluation (2) Forskningsrapport / SNS Förlag (1) CESifo Working Paper (1) IZA Discussion Paper (1) Discussion paper series / IZA (1) Working papers / Department of Economics, Stockholms Universitet (1) Document de treball de l'IEB (1)