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Margherita, Alessandro Secundo, Giustina Lerro, Antonio Passiante, Giuseppina Solazzo, Gianluca Moretto, Valentino Petti, Claudio Ghiani, Gianpaolo Taurino, Cesare Schiuma, Giovanni Ndou, Valentina Corallo, Angelo Del Vecchio, Pasquale Leitner, Karl-Heinz Pigni, Federico Ceravolo, Paolo Margherita, A. Polimeno, Gloria Raguseo, Elisabetta Schirinzi, Sara Vizzi, Roberto All co-authors unternehmensgründung innovationsmanagement innovation entrepreneurship wissensmanagement entrepreneurial web framework application based study business italy digitalisierung digitization italien ecosystems areas approach virtual time creation
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Gianluca Elia Alternative spellings: G. Elia
Profession Informatiker
Affiliations Università del Salento
Publishing years Series International journal of strategic change management : IJSCM (1)