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Romaguera, Pilar Urquiola Soux, Miguel Ñopo, Hugo Grau, Nicolás Hojman, Daniel Repetto, Andrea Gatica Barros, Jaime Contreras, Claudia Edwards, Gonzalo Gallegos, Sebastián Gatica B., Jaime Lara, Bernardo Anand, Priyanka Labra, Cristián Silva, G. Eduardo Fischer, Ronald Bussolo, Maurizio Farren, Darío Arias, Omar Ostoic, Carolina Henríguez, Francisco Lustig, Nora Repetto, Andrea Martínez, Salomé Bordón, Paola Canals, Catalina Martínez, Francisco Henríquez, Francisco Barrera, Andrés Makovec, Mattia Urquiola, Miguel S. All co-authors chile teachers school latin que schule america del vis schools las earnings sector lohnstruktur bildungsverhalten wage differentials workers professional lehrkräfte lateinamerika lohn wages market salaries paid markets brazil salarios schulauswahl privatwirtschaft brasilien choice private effectiveness circa job underpayment una bildungsniveau educational based gap impact chilena technical case
Composed terms school choice educational behaviour wage structure latin america teaching profession private sector teachers salaries vis vis teachers underpayment educational achievement salaries latin school markets allgemeinbildende schule school of general education service quality educational attainment turn century markets impact impact information information approximating wage differentials la industria sector publico vis workers workers professional professional technical technical occupations nonetheless region region averages averages important important cross cross country country heterogeneity financial market regulation vergütungssystem im öffentlichen dienst public sector pay financial market market liberalization paid teachers america paid effective schools low income schools effectiveness school effectiveness la productividad productividad científica científica economía economía administración administración chile chile análisis análisis comparativo estimate effect socioeconomic status industrial internacional heterogeneity teachers el objetivo salarios del del sector market turnout grade retention economics of education private school school closure attainment evidence evidence market market based destructive creation creation school school turnover turnover educational liberalization chile evolution teachers america turn century paid public private wage gap gap latin study chile
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Alejandra Mizala Alternative spellings: Alejandra Mizala Salces Alejandra Cristina Mizala Salces Alejandra Cristina Mizala-Salces Alejandra Mizala-Salces Alejandra Mizala Salces Alejandra Cristina Mizala Salces Alejandra M. Salces Biblio: Economic Research Corporation for Latin America (CIEPLAN) ; Dep. de Ingenieria Industrial, Univ. de Chile
Profession Economist
Affiliations Corporación de Estudios para Latinoamérica Universidad de Chile. Centro de Economía Aplicada Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial (Santiago de Chile)
Publishing years Series Documentos de trabajo (13) Notas técnicas / Corporación de Investigaciones Económicas para Latinoamérica : serie de documentos de trabajo ... de las investigaciones de CIEPLAN (5) Serie de documentos de trabajo ... (2) IZA Discussion Paper (2) Discussion paper series / IZA (2) Flexibilidad laboral y mercado del trabajo en Chile (2) Routledge library editions (1) NBER Working Paper (1) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (1) Documento de trabajo / Instituto de Economía, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (1) Revisión de la reforma comercial chilena (1) Developing economies of the Third World (1)